VTK-m  2.0
vtkm::Plane Member List

This is the complete list of members for vtkm::Plane, including all inherited members.

ClosestPoint(const Vector &point) constvtkm::Plane
DistanceTo(const Vector &point) constvtkm::Plane
GetNormal() constvtkm::Planeinline
GetOrigin() constvtkm::Planeinline
Gradient(const Vector &) constvtkm::Planeinline
Intersect(const Ray< CoordType, 3, IsTwoSided > &ray, CoordType &parameter, Vector &point, bool &lineInPlane, CoordType tol=CoordType(1e-6f)) constvtkm::Plane
Intersect(const LineSegment< CoordType > &segment, CoordType &parameter, bool &lineInPlane) constvtkm::Plane
Intersect(const LineSegment< CoordType > &segment, CoordType &parameter, Vector &point, bool &lineInPlane) constvtkm::Plane
Intersect(const Plane< CoordType > &other, Ray< CoordType, 3, true > &ray, bool &coincident, CoordType tol2=static_cast< CoordType >(1e-6f)) constvtkm::Plane
IsValid() constvtkm::Planeinline
Plane(const Vector &origin, const Vector &normal, CoordType tol2=static_cast< CoordType >(1e-8f))vtkm::Plane
Plane(const Vector &normal)vtkm::Planeinlineexplicit
Plane(const Vector &origin, const Vector &normal)vtkm::Planeinline
SetNormal(const Vector &normal)vtkm::Planeinline
SetOrigin(const Vector &origin)vtkm::Planeinline
Value(const Vector &point) constvtkm::Planeinline
Vector typedefvtkm::Plane