►Nmangled_diy_namespace | |
CSerialization< vtkm::ChargedParticle > | |
CSerialization< vtkm::Particle > | |
►Nvtkm | Groups connected points that have the same field value |
►Ncont | VTK-m Control Environment |
►Narg | Transportation controls for Control Environment Objects |
CControlSignatureTagBase | The base class for all tags used in a ControlSignature |
CTransport | Class for transporting from the control to the execution environment |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayIn, ContObjectType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayInOut, ContObjectType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayOut, ContObjectType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagAtomicArray, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagBasic >, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagBitFieldIn, vtkm::cont::BitField, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagBitFieldInOut, vtkm::cont::BitField, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagBitFieldOut, vtkm::cont::BitField, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagCellSetIn< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology >, ContObjectType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagExecObject, ContObjectType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagGradientOut, ContObjectType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeyedValuesIn, ArrayHandleType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeyedValuesInOut, ArrayHandleType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeyedValuesOut, ArrayHandleType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeysIn, KeyType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagTopologyFieldIn< TopologyElementTag >, ContObjectType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagWholeArrayIn, ContObjectType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagWholeArrayInOut, ContObjectType, Device > | |
CTransport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagWholeArrayOut, ContObjectType, Device > | |
CTransportTagArrayIn | Transport tag for input arrays |
CTransportTagArrayInOut | Transport tag for in-place arrays |
CTransportTagArrayOut | Transport tag for output arrays |
CTransportTagAtomicArray | Transport tag for in-place arrays with atomic operations |
CTransportTagBitFieldIn | |
CTransportTagBitFieldInOut | |
CTransportTagBitFieldOut | |
CTransportTagCellSetIn | Transport tag for input arrays |
CTransportTagExecObject | Transport tag for execution objects |
CTransportTagGradientOut | Transport tag for output arrays |
CTransportTagKeyedValuesIn | Transport tag for input values in a reduce by key |
CTransportTagKeyedValuesInOut | Transport tag for input values in a reduce by key |
CTransportTagKeyedValuesOut | Transport tag for input values in a reduce by key |
CTransportTagKeysIn | Transport tag for keys in a reduce by key |
CTransportTagTopologyFieldIn | Transport tag for input arrays in topology maps |
CTransportTagWholeArrayIn | Transport tag for in-place arrays with random access |
CTransportTagWholeArrayInOut | Transport tag for in-place arrays with random access |
CTransportTagWholeArrayOut | Transport tag for in-place arrays with random access |
CTypeCheck | Class for checking that a type matches the semantics for an argument |
CTypeCheck< TypeCheckTagArrayIn, ArrayType > | |
CTypeCheck< TypeCheckTagArrayInOut, ArrayType > | |
CTypeCheck< TypeCheckTagArrayOut, ArrayType > | |
CTypeCheck< TypeCheckTagAtomicArray, ArrayType > | |
CTypeCheck< TypeCheckTagAtomicArray, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagBasic > > | |
CTypeCheck< TypeCheckTagBitField, T > | |
CTypeCheck< TypeCheckTagCellSet, CellSetType > | |
CTypeCheck< TypeCheckTagCellSetStructured, CellSetType > | |
CTypeCheck< TypeCheckTagExecObject, Type > | |
CTypeCheck< vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagKeys, KeyType > | |
CTypeCheckTagArrayIn | The Array type check passes for any object that behaves like an ArrayHandle class and can be passed to the ArrayIn transport |
CTypeCheckTagArrayInOut | The Array type check passes for any object that behaves like an ArrayHandle class and can be passed to the ArrayInOut transport |
CTypeCheckTagArrayOut | The Array type check passes for any object that behaves like an ArrayHandle class and can be passed to the ArrayOut transport |
CTypeCheckTagBitField | |
CTypeCheckTagCellSet | Check for a CellSet-like object |
CTypeCheckTagCellSetStructured | Check for a Structured CellSet-like object |
CTypeCheckTagExecObject | The ExecObject type check passes for any object that inherits from ExecutionObjectBase |
CTypeCheckTagKeys | Check for a Keys object |
►Ncuda | CUDA implementation for Control Environment |
CErrorCuda | This error is thrown whenever an unidentified CUDA runtime error is encountered |
CScheduleParameters | Represents how to schedule 1D, 2D, and 3D Cuda kernels |
►Nopenmp | OPenMP implementation for Control Environment |
►Nscan | |
►CAdder | |
CNodeWrapper | |
►CScanExclusiveBody | |
CNode | |
►CScanInclusiveBody | |
CNode | |
►Nsort | |
►Nquick | |
CQuickSorter | |
CCleanArrayRefImpl | |
CCopyIfHelper | |
►CReduceHelper | |
CIsIntegral | |
CIsIntegral< vtkm::Pair< T, U > > | |
CIsIntegral< vtkm::Vec< T, Size > > | |
►CUniqueHelper | |
CNode | |
►Ntbb | TBB implementation for Control Environment |
CCopyBody | |
►CCopyIfBody | |
CRange | |
CReduceBody | |
►CReduceByKeyBody | |
CRange | |
CScanExclusiveBody | |
CScanInclusiveBody | |
CScatterKernel | |
►CUniqueBody | |
CRange | |
CAlgorithm | |
CArrayHandle | Manages an array-worth of data |
CArrayHandleBasic | |
CArrayHandleBitField | Boolean-valued ArrayHandle that is backed by a BitField |
CArrayHandleCartesianProduct | ArrayHandleCartesianProduct is a specialization of ArrayHandle |
CArrayHandleCast | Cast the values of an array to the specified type, on demand |
CArrayHandleCompositeVector | An ArrayHandle that combines components from other arrays |
CArrayHandleConcatenate | |
CArrayHandleConstant | An array handle with a constant value |
CArrayHandleCounting | ArrayHandleCounting is a specialization of ArrayHandle |
CArrayHandleDecorator | A fancy ArrayHandle that can be used to modify the results from one or more source ArrayHandle |
CArrayHandleDiscard | ArrayHandleDiscard is a write-only array that discards all data written to it |
CArrayHandleExtractComponent | A fancy ArrayHandle that turns a vector array into a scalar array by slicing out a single component of each vector |
CArrayHandleGroupVec | Fancy array handle that groups values into vectors |
CArrayHandleGroupVecVariable | Fancy array handle that groups values into vectors of different sizes |
CArrayHandleImplicit | An ArrayHandle that computes values on the fly |
CArrayHandleIndex | An implicit array handle containing the its own indices |
CArrayHandleMultiplexer | An ArrayHandle that can behave like several other handles |
CArrayHandleOffsetsToNumComponents | An ArrayHandle that converts an array of offsets to an array of Vec sizes |
CArrayHandlePermutation | Implicitly permutes the values in an array |
CArrayHandleRandomStandardNormal | |
CArrayHandleRandomUniformBits | An ArrayHandle that provides a source of random bits |
CArrayHandleRandomUniformReal | |
CArrayHandleRecombineVec | A grouping of ArrayHandleStride s into an ArrayHandle of Vec s |
CArrayHandleReverse | Reverse the order of an array, on demand |
CArrayHandleSOA | An ArrayHandle that for Vecs stores each component in a separate physical array |
CArrayHandleStride | An ArrayHandle that accesses a basic array with strides and offsets |
CArrayHandleSwizzle | Swizzle the components of the values in an ArrayHandle |
CArrayHandleTransform | Implicitly transform values of one array to another with a functor |
CArrayHandleUniformPointCoordinates | ArrayHandleUniformPointCoordinates is a specialization of ArrayHandle |
CArrayHandleView | |
CArrayHandleXGCCoordinates | |
CArrayHandleZip | ArrayHandleZip is a specialization of ArrayHandle |
CArrayPortal | A class that points to and access and array of data |
CArrayPortalToIterators | |
CArrayPortalToIterators< PortalType, std::false_type > | Convert an ArrayPortal to STL iterators |
CArrayPortalToIterators< PortalType, std::true_type > | |
CAssignerPartitionedDataSet | Assigner for PartitionedDataSet partitions |
CAtomicArray | A type list containing types that can be used with an AtomicArray |
►CBitField | |
CExecutionTypes | |
CCellInterpolationHelper | |
CCellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchy | |
CCellLocatorGeneral | A CellLocator that works generally well for any supported cell set |
CCellLocatorPartitioned | |
CCellLocatorRectilinearGrid | |
CCellLocatorTwoLevel | A locator that uses 2 nested levels of grids |
CCellLocatorUniformBins | A locator that uses a uniform grid |
CCellLocatorUniformGrid | |
CCellSet | |
►CCellSetExplicit | |
CConnectivityChooser | |
CInternals | |
CCellSetExtrude | |
CCellSetPermutation | |
CCellSetPermutation< CellSetPermutation< CellSetType, PermutationArrayHandleType1 >, PermutationArrayHandleType2 > | |
CCellSetSingleType | |
CCellSetStructured | |
CColorTable | Color Table for coloring arbitrary fields |
CColorTableSamplesRGB | Color Sample Table used with vtkm::cont::ColorTable for fast coloring |
CColorTableSamplesRGBA | Color Sample Table used with vtkm::cont::ColorTable for fast coloring |
►CCoordinateSystem | |
CStorageToArrayDefault | |
CStorageToArrayNonDefault | |
CDataSet | |
CDataSetBuilderCurvilinear | |
CDataSetBuilderExplicit | |
CDataSetBuilderExplicitIterative | |
CDataSetBuilderRectilinear | |
CDataSetBuilderUniform | |
CDeviceAdapterAlgorithm | Struct containing device adapter algorithms |
►CDeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | |
CBitFieldToUnorderedSetFunctor | |
CCountSetBitsFunctor | |
CPinnedErrorArray | |
►CDeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos > | |
CKokkosReduceFunctor | |
CReduceOperator | |
CScanExclusiveOperator | |
CScanInclusiveOperator | |
CUseKokkosReduce | |
CUseKokkosReduceP1 | |
CUseKokkosReduceP1< true, BinaryOperator, ResultType > | |
CDeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP > | |
CDeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagSerial > | |
CDeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB > | |
CDeviceAdapterId | |
CDeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector | Class providing a device-specific runtime support detector |
CDeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | Class providing a CUDA runtime support detector |
CDeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos > | Determine if this machine supports Kokkos backend |
CDeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP > | Determine if this machine supports Serial backend |
CDeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagSerial > | Determine if this machine supports Serial backend |
CDeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB > | Determine if this machine supports Serial backend |
CDeviceAdapterTag___ | A tag specifying the interface between the control and execution environments |
►CDeviceAdapterTimerImplementation | Class providing a device-specific timer |
CTimeStamp | |
CDeviceAdapterTimerImplementation< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | Specialization of DeviceAdapterTimerImplementation for CUDA CUDA contains its own high resolution timer that are able to track how long it takes to execute async kernels |
CDeviceAdapterTimerImplementation< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB > | TBB contains its own high resolution timer |
CDeviceAdapterTraits | |
CDeviceTaskTypes | Class providing a device-specific support for selecting the optimal Task type for a given worklet |
CDeviceTaskTypes< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | |
CDeviceTaskTypes< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos > | |
CDeviceTaskTypes< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP > | |
CDeviceTaskTypes< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagSerial > | |
CDeviceTaskTypes< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB > | |
CEnvironmentTracker | Maintain MPI controller, if any, for distributed operation |
CError | The superclass of all exceptions thrown by any VTKm function or method |
CErrorBadAllocation | This class is thrown when VTK-m attempts to manipulate memory that it should not |
CErrorBadDevice | This class is thrown when VTK-m performs an operation that is not supported on the current device |
CErrorBadType | This class is thrown when VTK-m encounters data of a type that is incompatible with the current operation |
CErrorBadValue | This class is thrown when a VTKm function or method encounters an invalid value that inhibits progress |
CErrorExecution | This class is thrown in the control environment whenever an error occurs in the execution environment |
CErrorFilterExecution | This class is primarily intended to filters to throw in the control environment to indicate an execution failure due to misconfiguration e.g |
CErrorInternal | This class is thrown when VTKm detects an internal state that should never be reached |
CErrorUserAbort | This class is thrown when vtk-m detects a request for aborting execution in the current thread |
CExecutionAndControlObjectBase | Base ExecutionAndControlObjectBase class |
CExecutionObjectBase | Base ExecutionObjectBase for execution objects to inherit from so that you can use an arbitrary object as a parameter in an execution environment function |
CField | A Field encapsulates an array on some piece of the mesh, such as the points, a cell set, a point logical dimension, or the whole mesh |
CInitializeResult | |
CInvoker | Allows launching any worklet without a dispatcher |
CIsArrayHandleDiscard | Helper to determine if an ArrayHandle type is an ArrayHandleDiscard |
CPartitionedDataSet | |
CPointLocatorSparseGrid | A locator that bins points in a sparsely stored grid |
CRuntimeDeviceInformation | A class that can be used to determine if a given device adapter is supported on the current machine at runtime |
CRuntimeDeviceTracker | RuntimeDeviceTracker is the central location for determining which device adapter will be active for algorithm execution |
CScopedRuntimeDeviceTracker | |
CStorageTag___ | A tag specifying client memory allocation |
CStorageTagBasic | A tag for the basic implementation of a Storage object |
CStorageTagCartesianProduct | |
CStorageTagCast | |
CStorageTagCompositeVec | |
CStorageTagConcatenate | |
CStorageTagConstant | |
CStorageTagCounting | |
CStorageTagExtractComponent | |
CStorageTagGroupVec | |
CStorageTagGroupVecVariable | |
CStorageTagImplicit | An implementation for read-only implicit arrays |
CStorageTagIndex | |
CStorageTagMultiplexer | |
CStorageTagOffsetsToNumComponents | |
CStorageTagPermutation | |
CStorageTagReverse | |
CStorageTagSOA | |
CStorageTagStride | |
CStorageTagUniformPoints | |
CStorageTagView | |
CStorageTagXGCCoordinates | |
CStorageTagZip | |
CTimer | A class that can be used to time operations in VTK-m that might be occuring in parallel |
►CToken | A token to hold the scope of an ArrayHandle or other object |
CObjectReference | |
CObjectReferenceImpl | |
CReference | |
CUncertainArrayHandle | An ArrayHandle of an uncertain value type and storage |
CUncertainCellSet | A CellSet of an uncertain type |
CUnknownArrayHandle | An ArrayHandle of an unknown value type and storage |
CUnknownCellSet | A CellSet of an unknown type |
►Nexec | VTK-m Execution Environment |
►Narg | |
CAspectTagBoundary | Aspect tag to use for getting if a point is a boundary point |
CAspectTagCellShape | Aspect tag to use for getting the cell shape |
CAspectTagDefault | Aspect tag to use for default load/store of data |
CAspectTagIncidentElementCount | Aspect tag to use for getting the incident element count |
CAspectTagIncidentElementIndices | Aspect tag to use for getting the visited indices |
CAspectTagInputIndex | Aspect tag to use for getting the work index |
CAspectTagOutputIndex | Aspect tag to use for getting the work index |
CAspectTagThreadIndices | Aspect tag to use for getting the thread indices |
CAspectTagValueCount | Aspect tag to use for getting the value count |
CAspectTagVisitIndex | Aspect tag to use for getting the work index |
CAspectTagWorkIndex | Aspect tag to use for getting the work index |
CBasicArg | The underlying tag for basic ExecutionSignature arguments |
CBoundary | The ExecutionSignature tag to get if executing on a boundary element |
CCellShape | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the cell shape |
CCustomScatterOrMaskTag | Used for when not using MaskNone and ScatterIdentity |
CDefaultScatterAndMaskTag | Uses spaces optimizations when using MaskNone and ScatterIdentity |
CExecutionSignatureTagBase | The base class for all tags used in an ExecutionSignature |
CFetch | Class for loading and storing values in thread instance |
CFetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagBoundary, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagCellShape, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagIncidentElementCount, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagInputIndex, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagOutputIndex, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagThreadIndices, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagValueCount, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagVisitIndex, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagWorkIndex, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< FetchType, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagIncidentElementIndices, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectIn, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectInOut, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectOut, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayNeighborhoodIn, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayTopologyMapIn, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagCellSetIn, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagExecObject, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagWholeCellSetIn, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
CFetchTagArrayDirectIn | Fetch tag for getting array values with direct indexing |
CFetchTagArrayDirectInOut | Fetch tag for in-place modifying array values with direct indexing |
CFetchTagArrayDirectOut | Fetch tag for setting array values with direct indexing |
CFetchTagArrayNeighborhoodIn | Fetch tag for getting values of neighborhood around a point |
CFetchTagArrayTopologyMapIn | Fetch tag for getting array values determined by topology connections |
CFetchTagCellSetIn | Fetch tag for getting topology information |
CFetchTagExecObject | Fetch tag for execution objects |
CFetchTagKeysIn | Fetch tag for getting key values in a reduce by key |
CFetchTagWholeCellSetIn | Fetch tag for whole cell sets |
CIncidentElementCount | The ExecutionSignature tag to get the number of incident elements |
CIncidentElementIndices | The ExecutionSignature tag to get the indices of visited elements |
CInputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the input index |
COutputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the output index |
CThreadIndices | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the thread indices |
CThreadIndicesBasic | Basic container for thread indices in a worklet invocation |
CThreadIndicesBasic3D | Container for 3D thread indices in a worklet invocation |
CThreadIndicesCellNeighborhood | Container for thread information in a WorkletCellNeighborhood |
CThreadIndicesNeighborhood | |
CThreadIndicesPointNeighborhood | Container for thread information in a WorkletPointNeighborhood |
CThreadIndicesReduceByKey | Container for thread indices in a reduce by key invocation |
CThreadIndicesTopologyMap | Container for thread indices in a topology map |
CThreadIndicesTopologyMap< vtkm::exec::ConnectivityExtrude, ScatterAndMaskMode > | |
CThreadIndicesTopologyMap< vtkm::exec::ConnectivityPermutedVisitCellsWithPoints< PermutationPortal, vtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured< vtkm::TopologyElementTagCell, vtkm::TopologyElementTagPoint, Dimension > >, CustomScatterOrMaskTag > | Specialization for permuted structured connectivity types |
CThreadIndicesTopologyMap< vtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology, Dimension >, CustomScatterOrMaskTag > | Specialization for CustomScatterOrMaskTag |
CThreadIndicesTopologyMap< vtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology, Dimension >, DefaultScatterAndMaskTag > | Specialization for DefaultScatterAndMaskTag |
CThreadIndicesTopologyMap< vtkm::exec::ReverseConnectivityExtrude, ScatterAndMaskMode > | |
CValueCount | The ExecutionSignature tag to get the number of values |
CVisitIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the visit index |
CWorkIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the work index |
►Ntwolevelgrid | |
CGrid | |
CTwoLevelUniformGridExecutionObject | |
►CAtomicArrayExecutionObject | |
CHasPointerAccess | |
CBoundaryState | Provides a neighborhood's placement with respect to the mesh's boundary |
CCellInterpolationHelper | |
►CCellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchy | |
CLastCell | |
CCellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchyNode | |
CCellLocatorMultiplexer | |
CCellLocatorPartitioned | |
►CCellLocatorRectilinearGrid | |
CLastCell | |
►CCellLocatorTwoLevel | |
CLastCell | |
►CCellLocatorUniformBins | |
CLastCell | |
►CCellLocatorUniformGrid | |
CLastCell | |
CColorTable | |
CConnectivityExplicit | |
CConnectivityExtrude | |
CConnectivityPermutedVisitCellsWithPoints | |
CConnectivityPermutedVisitPointsWithCells | |
CConnectivityStructured | |
CFieldNeighborhood | Retrieves field values from a neighborhood |
CFunctorBase | Base class for all user worklets invoked in the execution environment from a call to vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm::Schedule |
CGradientOutput | |
CGradientOutput< vtkm::Vec3f_32 > | |
CGradientOutput< vtkm::Vec3f_64 > | |
CGradientScalarOutput | |
CGradientScalarOutputExecutionObject | |
CGradientVecOutput | |
CGradientVecOutputExecutionObject | |
CIndicesExtrude | |
CPointLocatorSparseGrid | |
CReverseConnectivityExtrude | |
CReverseIndicesExtrude | |
CTaskBase | Base class for all classes that are used to marshal data from the invocation parameters to the user worklets when invoked in the execution environment |
►Nfilter | VTK-m Filters |
►Nclean_grid | |
CCleanGrid | Clean a mesh to an unstructured grid |
►Nconnected_components | |
CCellSetConnectivity | Finds groups of cells that are connected together through their topology |
CImageConnectivity | |
►Ncontour | |
CClipWithField | Clip a dataset using a field |
CClipWithImplicitFunction | Clip a dataset using an implicit function |
CContour | Generate isosurface(s) from a Volume |
CMIRFilter | Calculates and subdivides a mesh based on the material interface reconstruction algorithm |
CSlice | |
►Ndensity_estimate | |
CEntropy | Construct the entropy histogram of a given Field |
CHistogram | Construct the histogram of a given Field |
CNDEntropy | Calculate the entropy of input N-Dims fields |
CNDHistogram | Generate a N-Dims histogram from input fields |
CParticleDensityBase | |
CParticleDensityCloudInCell | Estimate the density of particles using the Cloud-in-Cell method This filter treats the CoordinateSystem of a DataSet as positions of particles |
CParticleDensityNearestGridPoint | Estimate the density of particles using the Nearest Grid Point method This filter treats the CoordinateSystem of a DataSet as positions of particles |
►Nentity_extraction | |
CExternalFaces | Extract external faces of a geometry |
CExtractGeometry | Extract a subset of geometry based on an implicit function |
CExtractPoints | Extract only points from a geometry using an implicit function |
CExtractStructured | Select piece (e.g., volume of interest) and/or subsample structured points dataset |
CGhostCellRemove | Removes ghost cells |
CMask | Subselect cells using a stride |
CMaskPoints | Subselect points using a stride |
CThreshold | Extracts cells which satisfy threshold criterion |
CThresholdPoints | |
►Nfield_conversion | |
CCellAverage | Point to cell interpolation filter |
CPointAverage | Cell to Point interpolation filter |
►Nfield_transform | |
CCylindricalCoordinateTransform | Generate a coordinate transformation on coordinates from a dataset |
CFieldToColors | Convert an arbitrary field to an RGB or RGBA field |
CGenerateIds | Adds fields to a DataSet that give the ids for the points and cells |
CLogValues | Adds field to a DataSet that gives the log values for the user specified field |
CPointElevation | Generate a scalar field along a specified direction |
CPointTransform | Generate scalar field from a dataset |
CSphericalCoordinateTransform | |
CWarpScalar | Modify points by moving points along point normals by the scalar amount times the scalar factor |
CWarpVector | Modify points by moving points along a vector multiplied by the scale factor |
►Nflow | |
CFilterParticleAdvection | Base class for advecting particles in a vector field |
CFilterParticleAdvectionSteadyState | |
CFilterParticleAdvectionUnsteadyState | |
CLagrangian | |
CLagrangianStructures | |
CParticleAdvection | Advect particles in a vector field |
CPathline | Advect particles in a vector field |
CPathParticle | Advect particles in a vector field |
CStreamline | Advect particles in a vector field |
CStreamSurface | Generate streamlines from a vector field |
►Ngeometry_refinement | |
CSplitSharpEdges | Split sharp manifold edges where the feature angle between the adjacent surfaces are larger than the threshold value |
CTetrahedralize | |
CTriangulate | |
CTube | Generate tube geometry from polylines |
CVertexClustering | Reduce the number of triangles in a mesh |
►Nimage_processing | |
CComputeMoments | |
CImageDifference | Construct an ImageDifference of a given DataSet |
CImageMedian | |
►Nmesh_info | |
CCellMeasures | Compute the measure of each (3D) cell in a dataset |
CGhostCellClassify | |
CMeshQuality | Computes the quality of an unstructured cell-based mesh |
CMeshQualityArea | |
CMeshQualityAspectGamma | |
CMeshQualityAspectRatio | |
CMeshQualityCondition | |
CMeshQualityDiagonalRatio | |
CMeshQualityDimension | |
CMeshQualityJacobian | |
CMeshQualityMaxAngle | |
CMeshQualityMaxDiagonal | |
CMeshQualityMinAngle | |
CMeshQualityMinDiagonal | |
CMeshQualityOddy | |
CMeshQualityRelativeSizeSquared | |
CMeshQualityScaledJacobian | |
CMeshQualityShape | |
CMeshQualityShapeAndSize | |
CMeshQualityShear | |
CMeshQualitySkew | |
CMeshQualityStretch | |
CMeshQualityTaper | |
CMeshQualityVolume | |
CMeshQualityWarpage | |
►Nmulti_block | |
CAmrArrays | |
►Nresampling | |
CProbe | |
►Nscalar_topology | |
►Nhierarchical_volumetric_branch_decomposer | |
CCollapseBranchesPointerDoublingWorklet | |
CContourTreeAugmented | Construct the Contour Tree for a 2D or 3D regular mesh |
CContourTreeMesh2D | Construct the ContourTree for a 2D Mesh |
CContourTreeMesh3D | Construct the ContourTree for a 3D Mesh |
CContourTreeUniformDistributed | Construct the Contour Tree for a 2D or 3D regular mesh |
CDistributedBranchDecompositionFilter | Compute branch decompostion from distributed contour tree |
CHierarchicalVolumetricBranchDecomposer | Facture class for augmenting the hierarchical contour tree to enable computations of measures, e.g., volumne |
►Nvector_analysis | |
CCrossProduct | |
CDotProduct | |
CGradient | A general filter for gradient estimation |
CSurfaceNormals | Compute normals for polygonal mesh |
CVectorMagnitude | |
►Nzfp | |
CZFPCompressor1D | Compress a scalar field using ZFP |
CZFPCompressor2D | Compress a scalar field using ZFP |
CZFPCompressor3D | Compress a scalar field using ZFP |
CZFPDecompressor1D | Compress a scalar field using ZFP |
CZFPDecompressor2D | Compress a scalar field using ZFP |
CZFPDecompressor3D | Compress a scalar field using ZFP |
CDataSetQueue | |
CFieldSelection | A FieldSelection stores information about fields to map for input dataset to output when a filter is executed |
CFilter | Base class for all filters |
►CFilterField | |
CScalarToVec | |
CTaskQueue | |
►Ninterop | VTK-m OpenGL Interoperability |
CBufferState | Manages the state for transferring an ArrayHandle to opengl |
►Nio | VTK-m File input and output classes |
CBasePixel | Base type for more complex pixels (RGB, Greyscale, etc) that describes various values such as bit-depth, channel width, bytes per pixel, and how various data should be polled |
CBOVDataSetReader | |
CComponentTypeFromSize | |
CComponentTypeFromSize< size, typename std::enable_if<(size==16)>::type > | |
CComponentTypeFromSize< size, typename std::enable_if<(size==8)>::type > | |
CErrorIO | |
CGreyPixel | |
CImageReaderBase | Manages reading, and loading data from images |
CImageReaderHDF5 | Reading images using HDF5 Image format |
CImageReaderPNG | Manages reading images using the PNG format via lodepng |
CImageReaderPNM | Manages reading images using the PNM format |
CImageWriterBase | Manages writing, and loading data from images |
CImageWriterHDF5 | Writing images using HDF5 Image format |
CImageWriterPNG | Manages writing images using the PNG format via lodepng |
CImageWriterPNM | Manages writing images using the PNM format |
CRGBPixel | |
CVTKDataSetReader | |
CVTKDataSetReaderBase | |
CVTKDataSetWriter | |
CVTKPolyDataReader | |
CVTKRectilinearGridReader | |
CVTKStructuredGridReader | |
CVTKStructuredPointsReader | |
CVTKUnstructuredGridReader | |
►Nrendering | VTK-m Rendering |
►Nraytracing | |
CAABBs | |
►CBVHTraverser | |
CIntersector | |
CCamera | |
CCellIntersector | |
CCellIntersector< 254 > | |
CCellIntersector< 255 > | |
CCellIntersector< CELL_SHAPE_HEXAHEDRON > | |
CCellIntersector< CELL_SHAPE_TETRA > | |
CCellIntersector< CELL_SHAPE_WEDGE > | |
CCellSampler | |
CCellSampler< 255 > | |
CCellSampler< CELL_SHAPE_PYRAMID > | |
CCellSampler< CELL_SHAPE_TETRA > | |
CCellSampler< CELL_SHAPE_WEDGE > | |
CCellTables | |
CChannelBuffer | Mananges a buffer that contains many channels per value (e.g., RGBA values) |
CChannelBufferOperations | |
CConnectivityTracer | ConnectivityTracer is volumetric ray tracer for unstructured grids |
CCopyAndOffset | |
CCopyAndOffsetMask | |
CCylinderExtractor | CylinderExtractor creates a line segments from the edges of a cell set |
CCylinderIntersector | |
CDeviceStringFunctor | |
CGlyphExtractor | |
CGlyphExtractorVector | |
CGlyphIntersector | |
CGlyphIntersectorVector | |
CLinearBVH | |
CLogger | |
CManyMask | |
CMask | |
CMaxValue | |
CMemSet | |
CMeshConnectivity | General version of mesh connectivity that can be used for all supported mesh types |
CMeshConnectivityBuilder | |
CMeshConnectivityContainer | |
CMeshConnectivityContainerSingleType | |
CMeshConnectivityContainerStructured | |
CMeshConnectivityContainerUnstructured | |
CMeshConnectivitySingleType | |
CMeshConnectivityStructured | |
CMeshConnectivityUnstructured | |
CMinValue | |
CMoller | |
CMortonCodeAABB | |
CMortonCodeFace | |
CPartialComposite | |
CQuadExtractor | |
CQuadIntersector | |
►CRay | |
CEnableIntersectionDataFunctor | |
CResizeFunctor | |
CRayOperations | |
CRayTracer | |
CScalarRenderer | |
CShapeIntersector | |
CSphereExtractor | |
CSphereIntersector | |
CTriangleExtractor | |
CTriangleIntersector | |
►CVolumeRendererStructured | |
CRenderFunctor | |
CWaterTight | |
CActor | |
CAxisAnnotation | |
CAxisAnnotation2D | |
CAxisAnnotation3D | |
►CBitmapFont | |
CCharacter | |
CBitmapFontFactory | |
CBoundingBoxAnnotation | |
►CCamera | |
CCamera2DStruct | |
CCamera3DStruct | |
CCanvas | |
CCanvasRayTracer | |
CColor | It's a color! |
CColorBarAnnotation | |
CColorLegendAnnotation | |
CConnectivityProxy | |
►CCylinderizer | |
CCountSegments | |
CCylinderize | |
CSegmentedStructured | |
CLineRenderer | |
CLineRendererBatcher | |
CMapper | |
CMapperConnectivity | |
CMapperCylinder | MapperCylinder renderers edges from a cell set and renders them as cylinders via ray tracing |
CMapperGlyphBase | |
CMapperGlyphScalar | |
CMapperGlyphVector | |
CMapperPoint | MapperPonts renders points from a cell set |
CMapperQuad | MapperQuad renderers quad facess from a cell set via ray tracing |
CMapperRayTracer | |
CMapperVolume | |
CMapperWireframer | |
CMatrixHelpers | |
►CQuadralizer | |
CCountQuads | |
CQuadralize | |
CSegmentedStructured | |
►CScalarRenderer | |
CResult | |
CScene | |
CTextAnnotation | |
CTextAnnotationBillboard | |
CTextAnnotationScreen | |
CTextRenderer | |
CTextRendererBatcher | |
►CTexture2D | |
CTexture2DSampler | |
CTexture2DSamplerExecutionObject | |
►CTriangulator | Triangulator creates a minimal set of triangles from a cell set |
CCountTriangles | |
CIndicesLessThan | |
CIndicesSort | |
CTriangulate | |
CTriangulateStructured | |
CUniqueTriangles | |
CView | |
CView1D | |
CView2D | |
CView3D | |
►CWireframer | |
CRenderWithDeviceFunctor | |
CWorldAnnotator | |
►Nsource | VTK-m Input source such as Wavelet |
CAmr | The Amr source creates a dataset similar to VTK's vtkRTAnalyticSource |
COscillator | An analytical, time-varying uniform dataset with a point based array |
CPerlinNoise | The PerlinNoise source creates a uniform dataset |
CSource | |
CTangle | The Tangle source creates a uniform dataset |
CWavelet | The Wavelet source creates a dataset similar to VTK's vtkRTAnalyticSource |
CVariant | |
►Nworklet | VTK-m Worklets |
►Ncolorconversion | |
CComponentPortal | |
CConvertToRGB | |
CConvertToRGBA | |
CLookupTable | |
CMagnitudePortal | |
CShiftScaleToRGB | |
CShiftScaleToRGBA | |
CTransferFunction | |
►Nconnectivity | |
CCellSetConnectivity | |
►CCellSetDualGraph | |
Cdegree2 | |
CGraphConnectivity | |
►CImageConnectivity | |
CRunImpl | |
►CInnerJoin | |
CMerge | |
CPointerJumping | |
CRenumber | |
CUnionFind | |
►Ncontour | |
CCommonState | |
CDeduceCellType | |
CDeduceCoordType | |
CMapPointField | |
►Ncontourtree | |
CActiveEdgeTransferrer | |
CChainDoubler | |
CChainGraph | |
CContourTree | |
CCopyJoinSplit | |
CCopyNeighbors | |
CCopySupernodes | |
CDegreeDelta | |
CDegreeSubrangeOffset | |
CEdgePair | |
►CEdgePeakComparator | |
CExecObject | |
CFillSupernodes | |
CFindLeaves | |
CGoverningSaddleFinder | |
CJoinArcConnector | |
CJoinSuperArcFinder | |
CJoinTreeTransferrer | |
CMergeTree | |
CMesh2D_DEM_SaddleStarter | |
CMesh2D_DEM_Triangulation | |
CMesh2D_DEM_VertexOutdegreeStarter | |
CMesh2D_DEM_VertexStarter | |
CMesh3D_DEM_SaddleStarter | |
CMesh3D_DEM_Triangulation | |
CMesh3D_DEM_VertexOutdegreeStarter | |
CMesh3D_DEM_VertexStarter | |
CRegularPointTransferrer | |
CRegularToCandidate | |
CRegularToCriticalDown | |
CRegularToCriticalUp | |
CResetDegrees | |
CSaddleAscentFunctor | |
CSaddleAscentTransferrer | |
CSaddlePeakSort | |
CSetJoinAndSplitArcs | |
CSetSupernodeInward | |
CSkipVertex | |
CSubrangeOffset | |
CTrunkBuilder | |
CUpdateOutbound | |
CVertexAssigned | |
CVertexDegreeUpdater | |
►CVertexMergeComparator | |
CExecObject | |
CVertexValueComparator | |
►Ncontourtree_augmented | |
►Nactive_graph_inc | |
CBuildChainsWorklet | |
CBuildTrunkWorklet | |
CCompactActiveEdgesComputeNewVertexOutdegree | |
CCompactActiveEdgesTransferActiveEdges | |
CEdgePeakComparator | |
CEdgePeakComparatorImpl | |
CFindGoverningSaddlesWorklet | |
CFindSuperAndHyperNodesWorklet | |
CHyperArcSuperNodeComparator | |
CHyperArcSuperNodeComparatorImpl | |
CInitializeActiveEdges | |
CInitializeActiveGraphVertices | |
CInitializeEdgeFarFromActiveIndices | |
CInitializeHyperarcsFromActiveIndices | |
CInitializeNeighbourhoodMasksAndOutDegrees | |
CSetArcsConnectNodes | |
CSetArcsSetSuperAndHypernodeArcs | |
CSetArcsSlideVertices | |
CSetHyperArcsWorklet | |
CSetSuperArcsSetTreeHyperparents | |
CSetSuperArcsSetTreeSuperarcs | |
CSuperArcNodeComparator | |
CSuperArcNodeComparatorImpl | |
CTransferRegularPointsWorklet | |
CTransferSaddleStartsResetEdgeFar | |
CTransferSaddleStartsSetNewOutdegreeForSaddles | |
CTransferSaddleStartsUpdateEdgeSorter | |
►Ncontourtree_maker_inc | |
CAugmentMergeTrees_InitNewJoinSplitIDAndSuperparents | |
CAugmentMergeTrees_SetAugmentedMergeArcs | |
CCompressTrees_Step | |
CComputeHyperAndSuperStructure_HypernodesSetFirstSuperchild | |
CComputeHyperAndSuperStructure_PermuteArcs | |
CComputeHyperAndSuperStructure_ResetHyperparentsId | |
CComputeHyperAndSuperStructure_SetFirstSupernodePerIterationWorklet | |
CComputeHyperAndSuperStructure_SetNewHypernodesAndArcs | |
CComputeRegularStructure_LocateSuperarcs | |
CComputeRegularStructure_LocateSuperarcsOnBoundary | |
CComputeRegularStructure_SetArcs | |
CComputeRegularStructure_SetAugmentArcs | |
CContourTreeNodeComparator | |
CContourTreeNodeComparatorImpl | |
CContourTreeSuperNodeComparator | |
CContourTreeSuperNodeComparatorImpl | |
CFindDegrees_FindRHE | |
CFindDegrees_ResetUpAndDowndegree | |
CFindDegrees_SubtractLHE | |
CMoveNoSuchElementToBackComparator | |
CTransferLeafChains_CollapsePastRegular | |
CTransferLeafChains_InitInAndOutbound | |
CTransferLeafChains_TransferToContourTree | |
CWasNotTransferred | |
►Ndata_set_mesh | |
CGetOwnedVerticesByGlobalIdWorklet | |
CMeshStructure2D | |
CMeshStructure3D | |
CSortIndices | |
►Ndetails | |
CLeafChainsToContourTree | |
►Nmesh_dem | |
CIdRelabeler | A utility class that converts Ids from local to global given a mesh |
CSimulatedSimplicityIndexComparator | |
CSimulatedSimplicityIndexComparatorImpl | |
►Nmesh_dem_contourtree_mesh_inc | |
CAddToArrayElementsWorklet | |
►CApplyLookupTableDecoratorImpl | |
CFunctor | |
CArcComparator | |
CArcComparatorImpl | |
►CArcValidDecoratorImpl | |
CFunctor | |
CCombinedSimulatedSimplicityIndexComparator | Execution object for the comparator used initial sort of data values in ContourTreeMesh<FieldType>::MergeWith |
CCombinedSimulatedSimplicityIndexComparatorImpl | Implementation of the comparator used initial sort of data values in ContourTreeMesh<FieldType>::MergeWith |
►CCombinedVectorDifferentFromNextDecoratorImpl | Decorator to compute if element i is different from element i+1 in an arrays |
CFunctor | |
CCopyIntoCombinedArrayWorklet | |
CCopyIntoCombinedNeighborsWorklet | |
CCopyNeighborsToPackedArray | |
CFindDuplicateInOtherWorklet | |
►CGetArcFromDecoratorImpl | |
CFunctor | |
CInitToCombinedSortOrderArraysWorklet | |
CMergeSortedListsWithoutDuplicatesWorklet | |
CMeshStructureContourTreeMesh | |
CReplaceArcNumWithToVertexWorklet | |
►Nmesh_extrema_inc | |
CPointerDoubling | |
CSetStarts | |
►Nprocess_contourtree_inc | |
CAddDependentWeightHypersweep | |
CBranch | |
CBranchMinMaxSet | |
CBranchSaddleParentSet | |
CComputeIntrinsicWeight | |
CComputeSubtreeHeight | |
CFinaliseChainToBranch | |
CIncorporateParent | |
CInitialiseArcs | |
CInitialiseArcsVolume | |
CPairComparator | |
CPersistenceSorter | |
CPiecewiseLinearFunction | |
CPointerDoubling | |
CPrepareChainToBranch | |
CPropagateBestUpDown | |
CSetBestUpDown | |
CSetFirstSupernodePerIteration | |
CSetFirstVertexForSuperparent | |
CSetTriangleSuperarcId | |
CSuperArcVolumetricComparator | |
CSuperArcVolumetricComparatorImpl | |
CSuperNodeBranchComparator | |
CSuperNodeBranchComparatorImpl | |
CUnmaskArray | |
CVolumeSorter | |
CWhichBranchNewId | |
CActiveGraph | |
CComputeMeshBoundary2D | |
CComputeMeshBoundary3D | |
CComputeMeshBoundaryContourTreeMesh | |
CContourTree | |
CContourTreeMaker | |
CContourTreeMesh | |
CContourTreeNoSuchElementSuperParents | |
CDataSetMesh | |
CDataSetMeshTriangulation2DFreudenthal | Class representing a 2D dataset mesh with freudenthal triangulation connectivity for contour tree computation |
CDataSetMeshTriangulation3DFreudenthal | |
CDataSetMeshTriangulation3DMarchingCubes | |
CEdgeDataHeight | |
CEdgeDataVolume | |
CGetLocalAndGlobalPointDimensions | |
CGetPointDimensions | Helper struct to collect sizing information from a dataset |
CIsUnique | |
CMarkOther | |
CMaskedIndexFunctor | |
CMergeTree | |
CMeshBoundary2D | |
CMeshBoundary2DExec | |
CMeshBoundary3D | |
CMeshBoundary3DExec | |
CMeshBoundaryContourTreeMesh | |
CMeshBoundaryContourTreeMeshExec | |
CMeshExtrema | |
CMeshStructureFreudenthal2D | |
CMeshStructureFreudenthal3D | |
CMeshStructureMarchingCubes | |
CNotNoSuchElementPredicate | |
COneIfCritical | |
COneIfHypernode | |
COneIfSupernode | |
CProcessContourTree | |
CSaddlePeakSort | |
►Ncontourtree_distributed | |
►Nbract_maker | |
CAddTerminalFlagsToUpDownNeighboursWorklet | Step 1 of IdentifyRegularisedSupernodes |
CAugmentBoundaryWithNecessaryInteriorSupernodesAppendNecessarySupernodesWorklet | Worklet to transfer the dependent counts for hyperarcs Part of the BoundaryRestrictedAugmentedContourTree.PropagateBoundaryCounts function |
CAugmentBoundaryWithNecessaryInteriorSupernodesUnsetBoundarySupernodesWorklet | Worklet to transfer the dependent counts for hyperarcs Part of the BoundaryRestrictedAugmentedContourTree.PropagateBoundaryCounts function |
CBoundaryTreeNodeComparator | Comparator used to compare hyperarcs for sort |
CBoundaryTreeNodeComparatorImpl | Device implementation of the comparator used for sorting hyperarcs |
CBoundaryVerticiesPerSuperArcStepOneWorklet | |
CBoundaryVerticiesPerSuperArcStepTwoWorklet | |
CCompressRegularisedNodesCopyNecessaryRegularNodesWorklet | Step 1 of IdentifyRegularisedSupernodes |
CCompressRegularisedNodesFillBoundaryTreeSuperarcsWorklet | Step 1 of IdentifyRegularisedSupernodes |
CCompressRegularisedNodesFindNewSuperarcsWorklet | Step 1 of IdentifyRegularisedSupernodes |
CCompressRegularisedNodesResolveRootWorklet | Step 1 of IdentifyRegularisedSupernodes |
CCompressRegularisedNodesTransferVerticesWorklet | Step 1 of IdentifyRegularisedSupernodes |
CContourTreeNodeHyperArcComparator | Comparator to use for sorting nodes by hyperparent (i.e |
CContourTreeNodeHyperArcComparatorImpl | |
CFindBoundaryTreeSuperarcsSuperarcToWorklet | Compute the superarc "to" for every bract node Part of the BoundaryRestrictedAugmentedContourTree.FindBoundaryTreeSuperarcs function |
CFindBoundaryVerticesIsNecessaryWorklet | Worklet used in BoundaryTreeMaker<>::FindBoundaryVertices to create a stencil of the vertices that are necessary for merging neighbouring data blocks (a.k.a., the points on shared boundaries that are boundary cirtical) |
CFindNecessaryInteriorSetSuperparentNecessaryWorklet | Worklet to transfer the dependent counts for hyperarcs Part of the BoundaryRestrictedAugmentedContourTree.PropagateBoundaryCounts function |
CFindNecessaryInteriorSupernodesFindNodesWorklet | 1.B |
CHyperarcComparator | Comparator used to compare hyperarcs for sort |
CHyperarcComparatorImpl | |
CIdentifyRegularisedSupernodesStepOneWorklet | Step 1 of IdentifyRegularisedSupernodes |
CIdentifyRegularisedSupernodesStepTwoWorklet | Step 2 of IdentifyRegularisedSupernodes We also want to flag the leaves and boundary nodes as necessary |
CNoSuchElementFunctor | |
CPointerDoubleUpDownNeighboursWorklet | Step 1 of IdentifyRegularisedSupernodes |
CPropagateBoundaryCountsComputeGroupTotalsWorklet | Worklet to subtract the beginning of the group to get the total for each group Part of the BoundaryRestrictedAugmentedContourTree.PropagateBoundaryCounts function |
CPropagateBoundaryCountsSubtractDependentCountsWorklet | Worklet to Subtract out the dependent count of the prefix to the entire hyperarc Part of the BoundaryRestrictedAugmentedContourTree.PropagateBoundaryCounts function |
CPropagateBoundaryCountsTransferCumulativeCountsWorklet | Worklet to transfer the cumulative counts for hyperarcs Part of the BoundaryRestrictedAugmentedContourTree.PropagateBoundaryCounts function |
CPropagateBoundaryCountsTransferDependentCountsWorklet | Worklet to transfer the dependent counts for hyperarcs Part of the BoundaryRestrictedAugmentedContourTree.PropagateBoundaryCounts function |
CSetInteriorForestWorklet | Worklet to transfer the dependent counts for hyperarcs Part of the BoundaryRestrictedAugmentedContourTree.PropagateBoundaryCounts function |
CSetUpAndDownNeighboursWorklet | Worklet to transfer the dependent counts for hyperarcs Part of the BoundaryRestrictedAugmentedContourTree.PropagateBoundaryCounts function |
CSumFunctor | |
►Nhierarchical_augmenter | |
CAttachmentAndSupernodeComparator | Execution object for Compartor used in HierarchicalAugmenter<FieldType>::ResizeArrays to sort this->SupernodeSorter A comparator that sorts supernode pairs by: |
CAttachmentAndSupernodeComparatorImpl | Compartor implementation used in HierarchicalAugmenter<FieldType>::ResizeArrays to sort this->SupernodeSorter A comparator that sorts supernode pairs by: |
CAttachmentIdsEqualComparator | Execution object for a comparator that sorts supernode pairs by: |
CAttachmentIdsEqualComparatorImpl | Implementation for a comparator that sorts supernode pairs by: |
CAttachmentSuperparentAndIndexComparator | Execution object for a comparator that sorts supernode pairs by: |
CAttachmentSuperparentAndIndexComparatorImpl | Implementation for a comparator that sorts supernode pairs by: |
CCopyBaseRegularStructureWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalAugmenter::CopyBaseRegularStructure for finding the superparent for each node needed |
CCreateSuperarcsWorklet | Worklet used to implement the main part of HierarchicalAugmenter::CreateSuperarcs Connect superarcs for the level & set hyperparents & superchildren count, whichRound, whichIteration, super2hypernode |
CFindSuperparentForNecessaryNodesWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalAugmenter::CopyBaseRegularStructure for finding the superparent for each node needed |
CHierarchicalAugmenterInOutData | Class for storing input or output data for the HierarchicalAugmenter |
►CIsAscendingDecorator | Decorator to add the Ascending flag if necessary |
CFunctor | |
CIsAttachementPointNeededPredicate | |
CIsAttachementPointNeededPredicateImpl | |
CIsAttachementPointPredicate | |
CIsAttachementPointPredicateImpl | Predicate used in HierarchicalAugmenter<FieldType>::Initalize to determine whether a node is an attachement point |
CResizeArraysBuildNewSupernodeIdsWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalAugmenter<FieldType>ResizeArrays to build the newSupernodeIds array |
CSetFirstAttachmentPointInRoundWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalHyperSweeper.TransferWeights(...) to implement step 7b |
►CSetSuperparentSetDecorator | Decorator to add the Ascending flag if necessary |
CFunctor | |
CUpdateHyperstructureSetHyperarcsAndNodesWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalAugmenter::UpdateHyperstructure to set the hyperarcs and hypernodes |
CUpdateHyperstructureSetSuperchildrenWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalAugmenter::UpdateHyperstructure to set the superchildren The worklet finds the number of superchildren as the delta between the super Id and the next hypernode's super Id |
►Nhierarchical_hyper_sweeper | |
CComputeSuperarcDependentWeightsWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalHyperSweeper.ComputeSuperarcDependentWeightsWorklet(...) to compute the superarc dependent weights |
CComputeSuperarcTransferWeightsWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalHyperSweeper.InitializeRegularVertexCount(...) to subtract out the low end from the superarc regular counts |
CInitializeIntrinsicVertexCountComputeSuperparentIdsWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalHyperSweeper.InitializeIntrinsicVertexCount(...) to Look up the global Ids in the hierarchical tree & convert to superparent Ids |
CInitializeIntrinsicVertexCountInitalizeCountsWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalHyperSweeper.InitializeIntrinsicVertexCount(...) to set the count to the Id one off the high end of each range |
CInitializeIntrinsicVertexCountSubtractLowEndWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalHyperSweeper.InitializeIntrinsicVertexCount(...) to subtract out the low end from the superarc regular counts |
CTransferTargetComperator | |
CTransferTargetComperatorImpl | |
CTransferWeightsUpdateLHEWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalHyperSweeper.TransferWeights(...) to implement step 7b |
CTransferWeightsUpdateRHEWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalHyperSweeper.TransferWeights(...) to implement step 7a |
►Ntree_grafter | |
CCalculateAttachementCounterWorklet | |
CCollapseRegularChainsWorklet | |
CCopyFirstHypernodePerIterationWorklet | Worklet implementing the copy of the first supernode per iteration in TreeGrafter::CopyIterationDetails |
CCopyFirstSupernodePerIterationWorklet | Worklet implementing the copy of the first supernode per iteration in TreeGrafter::CopyIterationDetails |
CCopyNewHypernodesWorklet | |
CCopyNewNodesSetSuperparentsWorklet | |
CCopyNewSupernodesSetSuperchildrenWorklet | Worklet to loop to set the number of superchildren per hyperarc as part of TreeGrafter::CopyNewSupernodes |
CCopyNewSupernodesWorklet | |
CFindCriticalPointsFindLeafsWorklet | |
CFindCriticalPointsFindSaddlesWorklet | |
CFindCriticalPointsFindTerminalElementsWorklet | |
CFindCriticalPointsSetUpDownNeighboursWorklet | |
CGetHierarchicalIdsWorklet | |
CGraftInteriorForestsSetTransferIterationWorklet | Now set the transfer iteration for all attachment points If there were no supernodes to transfer, their types are all NO_SUCH_ELEMENT |
CHyperNodeWhenComparator | |
CHyperNodeWhenComparatorImpl | Comparator used in TreeGrafter::ListNewHypernodes to sort the NewHypernodes arrays |
CIdentifyLeafHyperarcsWorklet | Worklet implementing the TreeGrafter.IdentifyLeafHyperarcs function |
CInitActiceSuperarcIdWorklet | |
CInitActiceSuperarcsWorklet | |
CListNewNodesCopyIdsWorklet | |
CNewHypernodePredicate | |
CNewNodePredicate | |
CPermuteComparator | |
CPermuteComparatorImpl | Comparator used in TreeGrafter::ListNewSupernodes to sort the NewSupernodes arrays |
CSuperarcWasNotTransferredPredicate | |
CSuperarcWasNotTransferredPredicateImpl | |
CSuperNodeWhenComparator | |
CSuperNodeWhenComparatorImpl | Comparator used in TreeGrafter::ListNewSupernodes to sort the NewSupernodes arrays |
CBoundaryTree | Boundary Restricted Augmented Contour Tree (BRACT) |
CBoundaryTreeMaker | Class to compute the Boundary Restricted Augmented Contour Tree (BRACT), a.k.a., BoundaryTree |
CBranchCompiler | |
CCobmineHyperSweepBlockFunctor | |
CComputeDistributedContourTreeFunctor | Functor used by DIY reduce the merge data blocks in parallel |
CContourTreeBlockData | |
CDistributedContourTreeBlockData | |
CEdge | |
CFindRegularByGlobal | ExecutionObject to generate a device object to use FindRegularByGlobal for the HierarchicalContourTree |
CFindRegularByGlobalDeviceData | Device implementation of FindRegularByGlobal for the HierarchicalContourTree |
CFindSuperArcBetweenNodes | ExecutionObject to generate a device object to use FindSuperArcBetweenNodes for the HierarchicalContourTree |
CFindSuperArcBetweenNodesDeviceData | Device implementation of FindSuperArcBetweenNodes for the HierarchicalContourTree Used in the hierarchical branch decomposition |
CFindSuperArcForUnknownNode | ExecutionObject to generate a device object to use FindSuperArcForUnknownNode for the HierarchicalContourTree |
CFindSuperArcForUnknownNodeDeviceData | Device implementation of FindSuperArcForUnknownNode for the HierarchicalContourTree |
CHierarchicalAugmenter | Facture class for augmenting the hierarchical contour tree to enable computations of measures, e.g., volumne |
CHierarchicalAugmenterFunctor | Functor used by DIY reduce the merge data blocks in parallel |
CHierarchicalContourTree | Hierarchical Contour Tree data structure |
CHierarchicalHyperSweeper | |
CHyperSweepBlock | |
CInitalizeSuperchildrenWorklet | Compute the superarc "to" for every boundary tree node |
CInteriorForest | The contour tree of a data block restricted to the interior of a data block |
CMultiBlockContourTreeHelper | |
CPermuteComparator | |
CPermuteComparatorImpl | |
CSupernodeOnSuperarc | |
CTreeCompiler | |
CTreeGrafter | Graft the InteriorForest (i.e., the residue of a BRACT) onto a hierarchical tree |
►Ncosmotools | |
CComputeBinIndices | |
CComputeBinRange | |
CComputeBins | |
CComputeNeighborBins | |
CComputePotential | |
CComputePotentialBin | |
CComputePotentialMxN | |
CComputePotentialNeighbors | |
CComputePotentialNxN | |
CComputePotentialOnCandidates | |
CCosmoTools | |
CEqualsMinimumPotential | |
CGraftParticles | |
CIsStar | |
CMarkActiveNeighbors | |
CPointerJump | |
CScaleBiasFunctor | |
CScatterWorklet | |
CSetCandidateParticles | |
CValidHalo | |
►Nflow | |
CElectroMagneticField | |
CEulerIntegrator | |
CExecEulerIntegrator | |
CExecRK4Integrator | |
CExecutionElectroMagneticField | |
CExecutionGridEvaluator | |
CExecutionTemporalGridEvaluator | |
CExecutionVelocityField | |
CGridEvaluator | |
CGridEvaluatorStatus | |
CIntegratorStatus | |
CLagrangianStructures | |
CLagrangianStructures< 2 > | |
CLagrangianStructures< 3 > | |
CParticleAdvection | |
CParticleAdvectionResult | |
CParticleAdvectionWorklet | |
CParticleAdvectWorklet | |
CParticleExecutionObject | |
CParticles | |
CRK4Integrator | |
CStateRecordingParticleExecutionObject | |
►CStateRecordingParticles | |
CIsOne | |
CStepper | |
CStepperImpl | |
CStreamline | |
CStreamlineResult | |
CStreamlineWorklet | |
►CStreamSurface | |
CCountPolylines | |
CCountTriangleConn | |
CGenerateCells | |
CTemporalGridEvaluator | |
CVelocityField | |
►Nflying_edges | |
CComputePass1 | |
CComputePass2 | |
CComputePass4X | |
CComputePass4XWithNormals | |
CComputePass4Y | |
CComputePass5Y | |
CFlyingEdges3D | |
ClaunchComputePass1 | |
ClaunchComputePass4 | |
CPass4TrimState | |
Cselect_AxisToSum | |
Cselect_AxisToSum< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | |
Cselect_AxisToSum< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos > | |
CSumXAxis | |
CSumYAxis | |
►Ngradient | |
CCellGradient | |
CDeducedPointGrad | |
CDivergence | |
CGradientOutputs | |
CPointGradient | |
CQCriterion | |
CStructuredPointGradient | |
CTranspose3x3 | |
CVorticity | |
►Nhistogram | |
CComputeBins | |
CConditionalFreq | |
CConvertHistBinToND | |
CSetBinInformationContent | |
CSetHistogramBin | |
CTo1DIndex | |
►Nmarching_cells | |
►CCellClassifyTable | |
CExecObject | |
CClassifyCell | |
CCopyEdgeIds | |
CEdgeVertex | |
CEdgeWeightGenerate | Compute the weights for each edge that is used to generate a point in the resulting iso-surface |
►CEdgeWeightGenerateMetaData | Used to store data need for the EdgeWeightGenerate worklet |
CExecObject | |
CGenerateNormals | |
CMergeDuplicateValues | |
CMultiContourLess | |
CNormalsWorkletPass1 | |
CNormalsWorkletPass2 | |
►CTriangleGenerationTable | |
CExecObject | |
►NMIRCases | |
►CMIRTables | |
CMIRDevicePortal | |
►Nmoments | |
►CComputeMoments | |
CResolveUnknownCellSet | |
CComputeMoments2D | |
CComputeMoments3D | |
►Nscalar_topology | |
►Nhierarchical_volumetric_branch_decomposer | |
CCollapseBranchesWorklet | |
CFindBestSupernodeWorklet | |
CLocalBestUpDownByVolumeBestUpDownEdgeWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalAugmenter::CopyBaseRegularStructure for finding the superparent for each node needed |
CLocalBestUpDownByVolumeInitSuperarcListWorklet | |
CLocalBestUpDownByVolumeWorklet | Worklet used in HierarchicalAugmenter::CopyBaseRegularStructure for finding the superparent for each node needed |
CSuperArcVolumetricComparatorIndirectGlobalIdComparator | Execution object for Compartor used in HierarchicalVolumetricBranchDecomposer<FieldType>::LocalBestUpDownByVolume |
CSuperArcVolumetricComparatorIndirectGlobalIdComparatorImpl | Implementation of the comparator for the SuperArcVolumetricComparatorIndirectGlobalId ExecutionObject |
►Nspatialstructure | |
CCalculateSplitDirectionFlag | |
CCellRangesExtracter | |
CFilterRanges | |
CFilterRanges< false > | |
CFilterRanges< true > | |
CInvert | |
CLEQWorklet | |
CNonSplitIndexCalculator | |
CRangeAdd | |
CScatter | |
CSegmentSplitter | |
CSplitIndicesCalculator | |
CSplitPlaneCalculatorWorklet | |
CSplitProperties | |
CSplitPropertiesCalculator | |
CSplitSelector | |
CTreeLevelAdder | |
CTreeNode | |
►Nsplatkernels | |
Cdefault_norm_value | |
Cdefault_norm_value< 2 > | |
Cdefault_norm_value< 3 > | |
CGaussian | |
CKernelBase | |
CSpline3rdOrder | |
►Nstreamline | |
CIsUnity | |
CMakeStreamLines | |
►Ntetrahedralize | |
CTetrahedralizeCell | |
►Ntriangulate | |
CTriangulateCell | |
►Nwavelets | |
CAssignZero2DWorklet | |
CAssignZero3DWorklet | |
CAssignZeroWorklet | |
CCopyWorklet | |
CCubeCopyTo | |
CDifferencer | |
CExtensionWorklet2D | |
CExtensionWorklet3D | |
CForwardTransform | |
CForwardTransform2D | |
CForwardTransform3DFrontBack | |
CForwardTransform3DLeftRight | |
CForwardTransform3DTopDown | |
CIndexTranslator3CubesFrontBack | |
CIndexTranslator3CubesLeftRight | |
CIndexTranslator3CubesTopDown | |
CIndexTranslator3Matrices | |
CIndexTranslator6CubesFrontBack | |
CIndexTranslator6CubesLeftRight | |
CIndexTranslator6CubesTopDown | |
CIndexTranslator6Matrices | |
CInverseTransform2D | |
CInverseTransform3DFrontBack | |
CInverseTransform3DLeftRight | |
CInverseTransform3DTopDown | |
CInverseTransformEven | |
CInverseTransformOdd | |
CLeftASYMHExtentionWorklet | |
CLeftASYMWExtentionWorklet | |
CLeftSYMHExtentionWorklet | |
CLeftSYMWExtentionWorklet | |
CRectangleCopyTo | |
CRightASYMHExtentionWorklet | |
CRightASYMWExtentionWorklet | |
CRightSYMHExtentionWorklet | |
CRightSYMWExtentionWorklet | |
CSquaredDeviation | |
CSquareWorklet | |
CThresholdWorklet | |
►CWaveletBase | |
CmaxAbsFunctor | |
CmaxFunctor | |
CminFunctor | |
CSortLessAbsFunctor | |
CWaveletDWT | |
CWaveletFilter | |
►Nzfp | |
Cblock_traits | |
Cblock_traits< 1 > | |
Cblock_traits< 2 > | |
CBlockReader | |
►CBlockWriter | |
CUIntInt | |
CDecode1 | |
CDecode2 | |
CDecode3 | |
CEncode1 | |
CEncode2 | |
CEncode3 | |
Cinv_transform | |
Cinv_transform< 16 > | |
Cinv_transform< 4 > | |
Cinv_transform< 64 > | |
Czfp_traits | |
Czfp_traits< double > | |
Czfp_traits< float > | |
Czfp_traits< int > | |
Czfp_traits< long long int > | |
CZFPBlockEncoder | |
CZFPBlockEncoder< BlockSize, vtkm::Float32, PortalType > | |
CZFPBlockEncoder< BlockSize, vtkm::Float64, PortalType > | |
CZFPBlockEncoder< BlockSize, vtkm::Int32, PortalType > | |
CZFPBlockEncoder< BlockSize, vtkm::Int64, PortalType > | |
CZFPCodec | |
CZFPCodec< 16 > | |
CZFPCodec< 4 > | |
CZFPCodec< 64 > | |
CZFPStream | |
►CAverageByKey | |
CAverageWorklet | |
CExtractMean | |
CAveragePointNeighborhood | |
CBoundaryClamp | Clamps boundary values to the nearest valid i,j,k value |
CCalcError | |
CCalcError_C | |
CCalcVol | |
CCarToCyl | |
CCarToSphere | |
CCellAverage | |
►CCellDeepCopy | Container for worklets and helper methods to copy a cell set to a new CellSetExplicit structure |
CCountCellPoints | |
CPassCellStructure | |
CCellGradient | |
CCellMeasure | Simple functor that returns the spatial integral of each cell as a cell field |
CCheckFor2D | |
►CClip | |
CClipWithImplicitFunction | |
CComputeStats | |
CGenerateCellSet | |
►CInterpolateField | |
CPerformEdgeInterpolations | |
CPerformInCellInterpolations | |
CScatterEdgeConnectivity | |
CScatterInCellConnectivity | |
►CClipStats | |
CSumOp | |
CCombineVFsForPoints | |
CCombineVFsForPoints_C | |
CComputeStats | |
CConnectivityExplicit | |
CConstructCellWeightList | |
CContour | Compute the isosurface of a given 3D data set, supports all linear cell types |
CContourTreeAugmented | Compute the contour tree for 2d and 3d uniform grids and arbitrary topology graphs |
CContourTreeMesh2D | |
CContourTreeMesh3D | |
CCosmoTools | |
CCylToCar | |
►CDescriptiveStatistics | |
CMakeStatState | |
CStatState | |
CDestructPointWeightList | |
CDispatcherCellNeighborhood | Dispatcher for worklets that inherit from WorkletCellNeighborhood |
CDispatcherMapField | Dispatcher for worklets that inherit from WorkletMapField |
CDispatcherMapTopology | Dispatcher for worklets that inherit from WorkletMapTopology |
CDispatcherPointNeighborhood | Dispatcher for worklets that inherit from WorkletPointNeighborhood |
CDispatcherReduceByKey | Dispatcher for worklets that inherit from WorkletReduceByKey |
►CEdgeInterpolation | |
CEqualToOp | |
CLessThanOp | |
CExecutionConnectivityExplicit | |
►CExternalFaces | |
CBiasFunctor | |
CBuildConnectivity | |
CBuildConnectivityStructured | |
CCountPolyDataCellPoints | |
CFaceCounts | |
CFaceHash | |
CIsPolyDataCell | |
CNumExternalFacesPerStructuredCell | |
CNumFacesPerCell | |
CNumPointsPerFace | |
CPassPolyDataCells | |
►CExtractGeometry | |
CAddPermutationCellSet | |
CExtractCellsByVOI | |
►CExtractPoints | |
CExtractPointsByVOI | |
►CExtractStructured | |
CCallRun | |
CExtractVFsForMIR | |
CExtractVFsForMIR_C | |
►CFacetedSurfaceNormals | |
CWorklet | |
►CFieldEntropy | |
CSetBinInformationContent | |
►CFieldHistogram | |
CAdjacentDifference | |
CSetHistogramBin | |
►CFieldStatistics | |
CCalculatePowers | |
CStatInfo | |
CSubtractConst | |
CGenerateCellSet | |
►CGradientOutputFields | |
CExecutionTypes | |
CImageDifference | |
CImageDifferenceNeighborhood | |
►CKernelSplatterFilterUniformGrid | |
CComputeLocalNeighborId | |
CGetFootprint | |
CGetSplatValue | |
CUpdateVoxelSplats | |
Czero_voxel | |
CKeys | Manage keys for a WorkletReduceByKey |
CMagnitude | |
CMask | |
CMaskIndices | Mask using a given array of indices to include in the output |
CMaskNone | Default mask object that does not suppress anything |
CMaskPoints | |
CMaskSelect | Mask using arrays to select specific elements to suppress |
►CMIR | |
►CInterpolateField | |
CPerformEdgeInterpolations | |
CPerformInCellInterpolations | |
►CInterpolateLookbackField | |
CPerformEdgeInterpolations | |
CPerformInCellInterpolations | |
►CInterpolateMIRFields | |
CPerformEdgeInterpolations | |
CPerformEdgeInterpolations_C | |
CPerformInCellInterpolations | |
CPerformInCellInterpolations_C | |
►CMIRObject | |
CMIRObjectPortal | |
►CMIRParentObject | |
CMIRParentPortal | |
►CMIRStats | |
CSumOp | |
CNDimsEntropy | |
CNDimsHistMarginalization | |
CNDimsHistogram | |
CNormal | |
CNormalize | |
►COrientCellNormals | Orients normals to point outside of the dataset |
CWorkletMarkActiveCells | |
CWorkletMarkActivePoints | |
CWorkletMarkSourcePoints | |
CWorkletProcessCellNormals | |
CWorkletProcessSourceCells | |
►COrientNormals | Orients normals to point outside of the dataset |
CNegateFunctor | |
►COrientPointAndCellNormals | Orients normals to point outside of the dataset |
CWorkletMarkActiveCells | |
CWorkletMarkActivePoints | |
CWorkletMarkSourcePoints | |
CWorkletProcessCellNormals | |
CWorkletProcessPointNormals | |
►COrientPointNormals | Orients normals to point outside of the dataset |
CWorkletMarkActiveCells | |
CWorkletMarkActivePoints | |
CWorkletMarkSourcePoints | |
CWorkletProcessNormals | |
CPointAverage | |
CPointElevation | |
CPointGradient | |
►CPointMerge | |
CBinLocator | |
CBuildPointInputToOutputMap | |
CCoordsToHash | |
CFindNeighbors | |
CMapPointFieldFunctor | |
CPointTransform | |
►CProbe | |
CFindCellWorklet | |
CHiddenCellsWorklet | |
CHiddenPointsWorklet | |
CInterpolatePointField | |
CProbeUniformPoints | |
CRunImplCaller | |
CRunSelectLocator | |
►CRemoveDegenerateCells | |
CIdentifyDegenerates | |
►CRemoveUnusedPoints | A collection of worklets used to identify which points are used by at least one cell and then remove the points that are not used by any cells |
CGeneratePointMask | A worklet that creates a mask of used points (the first step in removing unused points) |
CMapPointFieldDeepFunctor | |
CTransformPointIndices | A worklet that takes an array of point indices (taken from the connectivity of a CellSetExplicit) and an array that functions as a map from the original indices to new indices, creates a new array with the new mapped indices |
CScalarsToColors | |
CScatterCounting | A scatter that maps input to some numbers of output |
CScatterEdgeConnectivity | |
CScatterIdentity | A scatter that maps input directly to output |
CScatterInCellConnectivity | |
CScatterPermutation | A scatter that maps input to output based on a permutation array |
CScatterUniform | A scatter that maps input to some constant numbers of output |
►CSmoothSurfaceNormals | |
CWorklet | |
CSphereToCar | |
►CSplitSharpEdges | |
CClassifyPoint | |
CSplitSharpEdge | |
►CStableSortIndices | Produces an ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id> index array that stable-sorts and optionally uniquifies an input array |
CIndirectSortPredicate | |
CIndirectSortPredicateExecObject | |
CIndirectUniquePredicate | |
CIndirectUniquePredicateExecObject | |
CStreamLineFilterUniformGrid | Compute the streamline |
►CTetrahedralize | |
CDistributeCellData | |
►CTetrahedralizeExplicit | Compute the tetrahedralize cells for an explicit grid data set |
CTetrahedralizeCell | |
CTetrahedraPerCell | |
CTetrahedralizeStructured | Compute the tetrahedralize cells for a uniform grid data set |
►CThreshold | |
CCombinePassFlagsWorklet | |
CNoOp | |
CThresholdByPointField | |
►CThresholdPoints | |
CThresholdPointField | |
►CTriangleWinding | This worklet ensures that triangle windings are consistent with provided cell normals |
CLauncher | |
CWorkletGetCellShapesAndSizes | |
CWorkletWindToCellNormals | |
CWorkletWindToCellNormalsGeneric | |
►CTriangulate | |
CDistributeCellData | |
►CTriangulateExplicit | Compute the triangulate cells for an explicit grid data set |
CTrianglesPerCell | |
CTriangulateCell | |
CTriangulateStructured | Compute the triangulate cells for a uniform grid data set |
►CTube | |
CCountSegments | |
CGenerateCells | |
CGenerateNormals | |
CGeneratePoints | |
CMapField | |
►CVertexClustering | |
CCid2PointIdWorklet | |
CCid3HashWorklet | |
CCid3UnhashWorklet | |
CGridInfo | |
CIndexingWorklet | Pass 3 |
CMapCellsWorklet | |
CMapPointsWorklet | |
CWarpScalar | |
CWarpVector | |
CWaveletCompressor | |
CWorkletCellNeighborhood | |
►CWorkletMapField | Base class for worklets that do a simple mapping of field arrays |
CFieldIn | A control signature tag for input fields |
CFieldInOut | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields |
CFieldOut | A control signature tag for output fields |
►CWorkletMapTopology | Base class for worklets that map topology elements onto each other |
CCellSetIn | A control signature tag for input connectivity |
CCellShape | An execution signature tag for getting the cell shape |
CFieldInIncident | A control signature tag for input fields from the incident topology |
CFieldInOut | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields from the visited topology |
CFieldInVisit | A control signature tag for input fields from the visited topology |
CFieldOut | A control signature tag for output fields |
CIncidentElementCount | An execution signature tag to get the number of incident elements |
CIncidentElementIndices | An execution signature tag to get the indices of from elements |
►CWorkletNeighborhood | |
CBoundary | The ExecutionSignature tag to query if the current iteration is inside the boundary |
CCellSetIn | A control signature tag for input connectivity |
CFieldIn | A control signature tag for input point fields |
CFieldInNeighborhood | A control signature tag for neighborhood input values |
CFieldInOut | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) point fields |
CFieldOut | A control signature tag for output point fields |
CWorkletPointNeighborhood | |
►CWorkletReduceByKey | |
CKeysIn | A control signature tag for input keys |
CReducedValuesIn | A control signature tag for reduced output values |
CReducedValuesInOut | A control signature tag for reduced output values |
CReducedValuesOut | A control signature tag for reduced output values |
CValueCount | The ExecutionSignature tag to get the number of values |
CValuesIn | A control signature tag for input values |
CValuesInOut | A control signature tag for input/output values |
CValuesOut | A control signature tag for output values |
CWorkletVisitCellsWithPoints | Base class for worklets that map from Points to Cells |
CWorkletVisitPointsWithCells | Base class for worklets that map from Cells to Points |
CZFP1DCompressor | |
CZFP1DDecompressor | |
CZFP2DCompressor | |
CZFP2DDecompressor | |
CZFPCompressor | |
CZFPDecompressor | |
CAdd | |
CBitset | A bitmap to serve different needs |
CBitwiseAnd | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns the bitwise operation x&y |
CBitwiseOr | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns the bitwise operation x|y |
CBitwiseXor | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns the bitwise operation x^y |
CBounds | Represent an axis-aligned 3D bounds in space |
CBox | Implicit function for a box |
CCellClassification | Bit flags used in ghost arrays to identify what type a cell is |
CCellShapeIdToTag | A traits-like class to get an CellShapeId known at compile time to a tag |
CCellShapeTagGeneric | A special cell shape tag that holds a cell shape that is not known at compile time |
CCellTopologicalDimensionsTag | vtkm::CellTraits::TopologyDimensionType is typedef to this with the template parameter set to TOPOLOGICAL_DIMENSIONS |
CCellTraits | Information about a cell based on its tag |
CCellTraitsTagSizeFixed | Tag for cell shapes with a fixed number of points |
CCellTraitsTagSizeVariable | Tag for cell shapes that can have a variable number of points |
CChargedParticle | |
CCylinder | Implicit function for a cylinder |
CDivide | |
CEqual | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x is equal to y |
CFrustum | Implicit function for a frustum |
CImplicitFunctionGeneral | Implicit function that can switch among known implicit function types |
CImplicitFunctionGradientFunctor | A helpful functor that calls the gradient method of a given ImplicitFunction |
CImplicitFunctionMultiplexer | Implicit function that can switch among different types |
CImplicitFunctionValueFunctor | A helpful functor that calls the value method of a given ImplicitFunction |
CIsZeroInitialized | Predicate that takes a single argument x , and returns True if it is the identity of the Type T |
CLineSegment | Represent a finite line segment with a pair of points |
CList | |
CLogicalAnd | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x and y are True |
CLogicalNot | Predicate that takes a single argument x , and returns True if and only if x is false |
CLogicalOr | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x or y is True |
CMatrix | Basic Matrix type |
CMaximum | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns the x if x > y otherwise returns y |
CMinAndMax | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns a vtkm::Vec<T,2> that represents the minimum and maximum values |
CMinimum | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns the x if x < y otherwise returns y |
CMultiply | |
CNegate | |
CNewtonsMethodResult | |
CNotEqual | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x is not equal to y |
CNotZeroInitialized | Predicate that takes a single argument x , and returns True if it isn't the identity of the Type T |
CPair | A vtkm::Pair is essentially the same as an STL pair object except that the methods (constructors and operators) are defined to work in both the control and execution environments (whereas std::pair is likely to work only in the control environment) |
CParticle | |
CParticleStatus | |
CPlane | Represent a plane with a base point (origin) and normal vector |
CProduct | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns product (multiplication) of the two values |
CRange | Represent a continuous scalar range of values |
CRangeId | Represent a range of vtkm::Id values |
CRangeId2 | Represent 2D integer range |
CRangeId3 | Represent 3D integer range |
CRay | Represent an infinite or semi-infinite line segment with a point and a direction |
CReadTheSourceCodeHereForHelpOnThisError | |
CReadTheSourceCodeHereForHelpOnThisError< true > | |
CSortGreater | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x is greater than y |
CSortLess | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x is less than y |
CSphere | Represent a sphere of the given Dimension |
CSubtract | |
CSum | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns sum (addition) of the two values |
CTopologyElementTagCell | A tag used to identify the cell elements in a topology |
CTopologyElementTagEdge | A tag used to identify the edge elements in a topology |
CTopologyElementTagFace | A tag used to identify the face elements in a topology |
CTopologyElementTagPoint | A tag used to identify the point elements in a topology |
CTuple | VTK-m replacement for std::tuple |
CTuple< T0 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19 > | |
CTuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, Ts... > | |
CTuple<> | |
Ctuple_element | Compatible with std::tuple_element for vtkm::Tuple |
CTypeTraits | The TypeTraits class provides helpful compile-time information about the basic types used in VTKm (and a few others for convenience) |
CTypeTraits< const T > | |
CTypeTraits< vtkm::Matrix< T, NumRow, NumCol > > | |
CTypeTraits< vtkm::Pair< T, U > > | Traits for Pair types |
CTypeTraits< vtkm::Vec< T, Size > > | Traits for basic C++ types |
CTypeTraits< vtkm::VecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates< NumDimensions > > | |
CTypeTraits< vtkm::VecC< T > > | Traits for VecC types |
CTypeTraits< vtkm::VecCConst< T > > | Traits for VecCConst types |
CTypeTraits< vtkm::VecFlat< T > > | |
CTypeTraits< vtkm::VecFromPortal< PortalType > > | |
CTypeTraits< vtkm::VecFromPortalPermute< IndexVecType, PortalType > > | |
CTypeTraits< vtkm::VecVariable< T, MaxSize > > | |
CTypeTraitsIntegerTag | Tag used to identify types that store integer numbers |
CTypeTraitsMatrixTag | Tag used to identify 2 dimensional types (matrices) |
CTypeTraitsRealTag | Tag used to identify types that store real (floating-point) numbers |
CTypeTraitsScalarTag | Tag used to identify 0 dimensional types (scalars) |
CTypeTraitsUnknownTag | Tag used to identify types that aren't Real, Integer, Scalar or Vector |
CTypeTraitsVectorTag | Tag used to identify 1 dimensional types (vectors) |
CVec | A short fixed-length array |
CVec< T, 0 > | |
CVec< T, 1 > | |
CVec< T, 2 > | |
CVec< T, 3 > | |
CVec< T, 4 > | |
CVecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates | An implicit vector for point coordinates in axis aligned cells |
CVecC | A Vec-like representation for short arrays |
CVecCConst | A const version of VecC |
CVecFlat | Treat a Vec or Vec -like object as a flat Vec |
CVecFlat< T, false > | |
CVecFlat< T, true > | |
CVecFromPortal | A short variable-length array from a window in an ArrayPortal |
CVecFromPortalPermute | A short vector from an ArrayPortal and a vector of indices |
CVecFromPortalPermute< IndexVecType, const PortalType * > | |
CVecTraits | The VecTraits class gives several static members that define how to use a given type as a vector |
CVecTraits< const T > | |
CVecTraits< vtkm::Bounds > | |
CVecTraits< vtkm::Matrix< T, NumRow, NumCol > > | A matrix has vector traits to implement component-wise operations |
CVecTraits< vtkm::Pair< T, U > > | VecTraits for Pair types |
CVecTraits< vtkm::Range > | |
CVecTraits< vtkm::Vec< T, Size > > | |
CVecTraits< vtkm::VecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates< NumDimensions > > | |
CVecTraits< vtkm::VecC< T > > | |
CVecTraits< vtkm::VecCConst< T > > | |
CVecTraits< vtkm::VecFlat< T > > | |
CVecTraits< vtkm::VecFromPortal< PortalType > > | |
CVecTraits< vtkm::VecFromPortalPermute< IndexVecType, PortalType > > | |
CVecTraits< vtkm::VecVariable< T, MaxSize > > | |
CVecTraitsTagMultipleComponents | A tag for vectors that are "true" vectors (i.e |
CVecTraitsTagSingleComponent | A tag for vectors that are really just scalars (i.e |
CVecTraitsTagSizeStatic | A tag for vectors where the number of components are known at compile time |
CVecTraitsTagSizeVariable | A tag for vectors where the number of components are not determined until run time |
CVecVariable | A short variable-length array with maximum length |
►Nvtkmdiy | |
CSerialization< vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::ContourTreeMesh< FieldType > > | |
CSerialization< vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::ContourTreeBlockData< FieldType > > | |
CSerialization< vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::hierarchical_augmenter::HierarchicalAugmenterInOutData< FieldType > > | |