This is the complete list of members for vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType >, including all inherited members.
CellCount | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
CellIds | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
CellLocatorTwoLevel(const vtkm::internal::cl_uniform_bins::Grid &topLevelGrid, const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< DimVec3 > &leafDimensions, const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id > &leafStartIndex, const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id > &cellStartIndex, const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id > &cellCount, const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id > &cellIds, const CellSetType &cellSet, const vtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem &coords, vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device, vtkm::cont::Token &token) | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | inline |
CellSet | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
CellStartIndex | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
Coords | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
CoordsPortalType typedef | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
DimVec3 typedef | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
FindCell(const FloatVec3 &point, vtkm::Id &cellId, FloatVec3 ¶metric) const | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | inline |
FindCell(const FloatVec3 &point, vtkm::Id &cellId, FloatVec3 ¶metric, LastCell &lastCell) const | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | inline |
FindCellImpl(const FloatVec3 &point, vtkm::Id &cellId, FloatVec3 ¶metric, LastCell &lastCell) const | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | inlineprivate |
FloatVec3 typedef | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
LeafDimensions | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
LeafStartIndex | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
PointInCell(const vtkm::Vec3f &point, const vtkm::Id &cid, vtkm::Vec3f ¶metric) const | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | inlineprivate |
PointInLeaf(const FloatVec3 &point, const vtkm::Id &leafIdx, vtkm::Id &cellId, FloatVec3 ¶metric) const | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | inlineprivate |
PointInsideCell(FloatVec3 point, CellShapeTag cellShape, CoordsType cellPoints, FloatVec3 ¶metricCoordinates, bool &inside) | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | inlineprivatestatic |
ReadPortal typedef | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |
TopLevel | vtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | private |