►C DispatcherBase | |
Cvtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField< WorkletType > | Dispatcher for worklets that inherit from WorkletMapField |
Cvtkm::rendering::Actor | An item to be rendered |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIActor::ActorData | |
Cvtkm::Add | |
Cvtkm::cont::Algorithm | |
Cvtkm::source::Amr | The Amr source creates a dataset similar to VTK's vtkRTAnalyticSource |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIActor | Collects cells, coords, and 0-4 fields for ANARI mappers to consume |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIMapper::ANARIHandles | |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIMapperGlyphs::ANARIHandles | Container of all relevant ANARI scene object handles |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIMapperPoints::ANARIHandles | Container of all relevant ANARI scene object handles |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIMapperTriangles::ANARIHandles | Container of all relevant ANARI scene object handles |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIMapperVolume::ANARIHandles | Container of all relevant ANARI scene object handles |
►Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIMapper | This is the base class used for all ANARI mappers |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIMapperGlyphs | Mapper which turns vector data into arrow glyphs |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIMapperPoints | Mapper which turns each point into ANARI sphere geometry |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIMapperTriangles | Mapper which triangulates cells into ANARI triangle geometry |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIMapperVolume | Mapper which turns structured volumes into a single ANARI transferFunction1D volume |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIScene | Object which manages a collection of mappers representing a single scene |
►Cvtkm::cont::internal::ArrayHandleBase | Base class of all ArrayHandle classes |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< ArrayHandleType1::ValueType, StorageTagConcatenate< ArrayHandleType1::StorageTag, ArrayHandleType2::StorageTag > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleConcatenate< ArrayHandleType1, ArrayHandleType2 > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< ArrayHandleType::ValueType, StorageTagReverse< ArrayHandleType::StorageTag > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleReverse< ArrayHandleType > | Reverse the order of an array, on demand |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< ArrayHandleType::ValueType, StorageTagView< ArrayHandleType::StorageTag > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleView< ArrayHandleType > | Provided a windowed view into a vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< bool, internal::StorageTagBitField > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleBitField | Boolean-valued ArrayHandle that is backed by a BitField |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< CountingValueType, vtkm::cont::StorageTagCounting > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleCounting< CountingValueType > | ArrayHandleCounting is a specialization of ArrayHandle |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< detail::ArrayHandleMultiplexerTraits< ArrayHandleTypes... >::ValueType, detail::ArrayHandleMultiplexerTraits< ArrayHandleTypes... >::StorageTag > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleMultiplexer< ArrayHandleTypes > | An ArrayHandle that can behave like several other handles |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< internal::CompositeVectorTraits< ArrayTs... >::ValueType, internal::CompositeVectorTraits< ArrayTs... >::StorageTag > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleCompositeVector< ArrayTs > | An ArrayHandle that combines components from other arrays |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< internal::detail::RecombinedValueType< ComponentType >, vtkm::cont::internal::StorageTagRecombineVec > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRecombineVec< ComponentType > | A grouping of ArrayHandleStride s into an ArrayHandle of vtkm::Vec s |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, StorageIn > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, StorageOut > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, StorageTagCast< ArrayHandleType::ValueType, ArrayHandleType::StorageTag > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleCast< T, ArrayHandleType > | Cast the values of an array to the specified type, on demand |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagBasic > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleBasic< T > | Basic array storage for an array handle |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagConstant > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleConstant< T > | An array handle with a constant value |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagSOA > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleSOA< T > | An ArrayHandle that for Vecs stores each component in a separate physical array |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagStride > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleStride< T > | An ArrayHandle that accesses a basic array with strides and offsets |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< ValueArrayHandleType::ValueType, vtkm::cont::StorageTagPermutation< IndexArrayHandleType::StorageTag, ValueArrayHandleType::StorageTag > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandlePermutation< IndexArrayHandleType, ValueArrayHandleType > | Implicitly permutes the values in an array |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< Vec< vtkm::FloatDefault, 3 > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleStride< vtkm::UInt8 >::ReadPortalType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::cont::CellLocatorGeneral::ExecObjType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::exec::CellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchyNode > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Float32 > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id, StorageTagIndex > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleIndex | An implicit array handle containing the its own indices |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id, VTKM_DEFAULT_STORAGE_TAG > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::IdComponent > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::IdComponent, vtkm::cont::StorageTagOffsetsToNumComponents< OffsetsArray::StorageTag > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleOffsetsToNumComponents< OffsetsArray > | An ArrayHandle that converts an array of offsets to an array of Vec sizes |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Int32 > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Particle > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Range > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::UInt64 > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::UInt8 > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Vec > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Vec3f, vtkm::cont::StorageTagUniformPoints > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleUniformPointCoordinates | ArrayHandleUniformPointCoordinates is a specialization of ArrayHandle |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Vec< ComponentsArrayHandleType::ValueType, NUM_COMPONENTS >, vtkm::cont::StorageTagGroupVec< ComponentsArrayHandleType::StorageTag, NUM_COMPONENTS > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleGroupVec< ComponentsArrayHandleType, NUM_COMPONENTS > | Fancy array handle that groups values into vectors |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Vec< T, 3 >, vtkm::cont::StorageTagXGCCoordinates > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleXGCCoordinates< T > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::VecFromPortal< ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id > ::WritePortalType >, vtkm::cont::StorageTagGroupVecVariable< ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id > ::StorageTag, ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id > ::StorageTag > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleGroupVecVariable< ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id >, ArrayHandle< vtkm::Id > > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::VecFromPortal< ArrayHandleBasic< ComponentType >::WritePortalType >, vtkm::cont::StorageTagRuntimeVec > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRuntimeVec< ComponentType > | Fancy array handle for a basic array with runtime selected vec size |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::VecFromPortal< ArrayHandleBasic< vtkm::Float32 >::WritePortalType >, vtkm::cont::StorageTagRuntimeVec > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRuntimeVec< vtkm::Float32 > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::VecFromPortal< CellIdArrayType ::WritePortalType >, vtkm::cont::StorageTagGroupVecVariable< CellIdArrayType ::StorageTag, CellIdOffsetArrayType ::StorageTag > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleGroupVecVariable< CellIdArrayType, CellIdOffsetArrayType > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::VecFromPortal< ComponentsArrayHandleType::WritePortalType >, vtkm::cont::StorageTagGroupVecVariable< ComponentsArrayHandleType::StorageTag, OffsetsArrayHandleType::StorageTag > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleGroupVecVariable< ComponentsArrayHandleType, OffsetsArrayHandleType > | Fancy array handle that groups values into vectors of different sizes |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::VecTraits< ArrayHandleType::ValueType >::ComponentType, StorageTagExtractComponent< ArrayHandleType > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleExtractComponent< ArrayHandleType > | A fancy ArrayHandle that turns a vector array into a scalar array by slicing out a single component of each vector |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, StorageTag_ > | Manages an array-worth of data |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleImplicit< detail::PhiloxFunctor > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRandomUniformBits | An ArrayHandle that provides a source of random bits |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleCartesianProduct< FirstHandleType, SecondHandleType, ThirdHandleType > | ArrayHandleCartesianProduct is a specialization of ArrayHandle |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleDecorator< DecoratorImplT, ArrayTs > | A fancy ArrayHandle that can be used to modify the results from one or more source ArrayHandle |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleDiscard< ValueType_ > | ArrayHandleDiscard is a write-only array that discards all data written to it |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleImplicit< FunctorType > | An ArrayHandle that computes values on the fly |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleZip< FirstHandleType, SecondHandleType > | ArrayHandleZip is a specialization of ArrayHandle |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleTransform< ArrayHandleType, FunctorType, InverseFunctorType > | Implicitly transform values of one array to another with a functor |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleSwizzle< ArrayHandleType, OutSize > | Swizzle the components of the values in an ArrayHandle |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleTransform< vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRandomUniformBits, detail::CanonicalFunctor< vtkm::Float64 > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRandomUniformReal< Real > | An ArrayHandle that provides a source of random numbers with uniform distribution |
►Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleTransform< vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleZip< vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRandomUniformReal< vtkm::Float64 >, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRandomUniformReal< vtkm::Float64 > >, detail::BoxMuller > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRandomStandardNormal< Real > | An ArrayHandle that provides a source of random numbers with a standard normal distribution |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayPortal< T > | A class that points to and access and array of data |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIterators< PortalType, CustomIterators > | |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIterators< PortalType, std::false_type > | Convert an ArrayPortal to STL iterators |
Cvtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIterators< PortalType, std::true_type > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagBoundary | Aspect tag to use for getting if a point is a boundary point |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagCellShape | Aspect tag to use for getting the cell shape |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault | Aspect tag to use for default load/store of data |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagIncidentElementCount | Aspect tag to use for getting the incident element count |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagIncidentElementIndices | Aspect tag to use for getting the visited indices |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagInputIndex | Aspect tag to use for getting the work index |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagOutputIndex | Aspect tag to use for getting the work index |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagThreadIndices | Aspect tag to use for getting the thread indices |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagValueCount | Aspect tag to use for getting the value count |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagVisitIndex | Aspect tag to use for getting the work index |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagWorkIndex | Aspect tag to use for getting the work index |
Cvtkm::exec::AtomicArrayExecutionObject< T > | An object passed to a worklet when accessing an atomic array |
Cvtkm::worklet::AverageByKey | |
►Cvtkm::rendering::AxisAnnotation | |
Cvtkm::rendering::AxisAnnotation2D | |
Cvtkm::rendering::AxisAnnotation3D | |
Cvtkm::cont::BitField | |
Cvtkm::rendering::BitmapFont | |
Cvtkm::rendering::BitmapFontFactory | |
Cvtkm::Bitset< MaskType > | A bitmap to serve different needs |
►Cvtkm::Bitset< vtkm::UInt8 > | |
Cvtkm::ParticleStatus | |
Cvtkm::BitwiseAnd | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns the bitwise operation x&y |
Cvtkm::BitwiseOr | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns the bitwise operation x|y |
Cvtkm::BitwiseXor | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns the bitwise operation x^y |
Cvtkm::worklet::BoundaryClamp | Clamps boundary values to the nearest valid i,j,k value |
Cvtkm::exec::BoundaryState | Provides a neighborhood's placement with respect to the mesh's boundary |
Cvtkm::rendering::BoundingBoxAnnotation | |
Cvtkm::Bounds | Represent an axis-aligned 3D bounds in space |
Cvtkm::io::BOVDataSetReader | |
Cvtkm::interop::BufferState | Manages the state for transferring an ArrayHandle to opengl |
Cvtkm::rendering::Camera | Specifies the viewport for a rendering |
Cvtkm::rendering::Camera::Camera2DStruct | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Camera::Camera3DStruct | |
►Cvtkm::rendering::Canvas | Represents the image space that is the target of rendering |
Cvtkm::rendering::CanvasRayTracer | Represents the image space that is the target of rendering using the internal ray tracing code |
Cvtkm::CellClassification | Bit flags used in ghost arrays to identify what type a cell is |
Cvtkm::worklet::CellDeepCopy | Container for worklets and helper methods to copy a cell set to a new CellSetExplicit structure |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchy< CellSetType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchyNode | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorMultiplexer< LocatorTypes > | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorPartitioned | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorRectilinearGrid | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorUniformBins< CellStructureType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorUniformGrid | |
►Cvtkm::cont::CellSet | Defines the topological structure of the data in a DataSet |
Cvtkm::cont::CellSetExtrude | Defines a 3-dimensional extruded mesh representation |
Cvtkm::cont::CellSetExplicit< ShapesStorageTag, ConnectivityStorageTag, OffsetsStorageTag > | Defines an irregular collection of cells |
Cvtkm::cont::CellSetPermutation< OriginalCellSetType_, PermutationArrayHandleType_ > | Rearranges the cells of one cell set to create another cell set |
Cvtkm::cont::CellSetSingleType< ConnectivityStorageTag > | An explicit cell set with all cells of the same shape |
Cvtkm::cont::CellSetStructured< DIMENSION > | Defines a 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional structured grid of points |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< Id > | A traits-like class to get an CellShapeId known at compile time to a tag |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_EMPTY > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_HEXAHEDRON > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_LINE > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_POLY_LINE > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_POLYGON > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_PYRAMID > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_QUAD > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_TETRA > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_TRIANGLE > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_VERTEX > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeIdToTag< vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_WEDGE > | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagEmpty | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagGeneric | A special cell shape tag that holds a cell shape that is not known at compile time |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagHexahedron | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagLine | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagPolygon | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagPolyLine | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagPyramid | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagQuad | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagTetra | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagTriangle | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagVertex | |
Cvtkm::CellShapeTagWedge | |
Cvtkm::CellTopologicalDimensionsTag< dimension > | vtkm::CellTraits::TopologyDimensionType is typedef to this with the template parameter set to TOPOLOGICAL_DIMENSIONS |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< CellTag > | Information about a cell based on its tag |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagEmpty > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagHexahedron > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagLine > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagPolygon > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagPolyLine > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagPyramid > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagQuad > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagTetra > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagTriangle > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagVertex > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraits< vtkm::CellShapeTagWedge > | |
Cvtkm::CellTraitsTagSizeFixed | Tag for cell shapes with a fixed number of points |
Cvtkm::CellTraitsTagSizeVariable | Tag for cell shapes that can have a variable number of points |
Cvtkm::rendering::BitmapFont::Character | |
Cvtkm::ChargedParticle | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::CleanArrayRefImpl< T > | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Color | Representation of a color |
Cvtkm::rendering::ColorBarAnnotation | |
Cvtkm::rendering::ColorLegendAnnotation | |
Cvtkm::exec::ColorTable | |
Cvtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGB | Color Sample Table used with vtkm::cont::ColorTable for fast coloring |
Cvtkm::cont::ColorTableSamplesRGBA | Color Sample Table used with vtkm::cont::ColorTable for fast coloring |
Cvtkm::io::ComponentTypeFromSize< size, typename > | |
Cvtkm::io::ComponentTypeFromSize< size, typename std::enable_if<(size==16)>::type > | |
Cvtkm::io::ComponentTypeFromSize< size, typename std::enable_if<(size==8)>::type > | |
Cvtkm::cont::CellSetExplicit< ShapesStorageTag, ConnectivityStorageTag, OffsetsStorageTag >::ConnectivityChooser< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology > | |
Cvtkm::exec::ConnectivityExplicit< ShapesPortalType, ConnectivityPortalType, OffsetsPortalType > | A class holding information about topology connections |
Cvtkm::exec::ConnectivityExtrude | |
Cvtkm::exec::ConnectivityPermutedVisitCellsWithPoints< PermutationPortal, OriginalConnectivity > | |
Cvtkm::exec::ConnectivityPermutedVisitPointsWithCells< ConnectivityPortalType, OffsetPortalType > | |
Cvtkm::rendering::ConnectivityProxy | |
Cvtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology, Dimension > | A class holding information about topology connections |
►Cvtkm::cont::arg::ControlSignatureTagBase | The base class for all tags used in a ControlSignature |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::WorkletBase::AtomicArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::AtomicArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::AtomicArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::AtomicArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::AtomicArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::AtomicArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::AtomicArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::WorkletBase::ExecObject | ControlSignature tag for execution object inputs |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::ExecObject | ControlSignature tag for execution object inputs. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::ExecObject | ControlSignature tag for execution object inputs. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::ExecObject | ControlSignature tag for execution object inputs. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::ExecObject | ControlSignature tag for execution object inputs. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::ExecObject | ControlSignature tag for execution object inputs. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::ExecObject | ControlSignature tag for execution object inputs. |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::WorkletBase::WholeArrayIn | ControlSignature tag for whole input arrays |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::WholeArrayIn | ControlSignature tag for whole input arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::WholeArrayIn | ControlSignature tag for whole input arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::WholeArrayIn | ControlSignature tag for whole input arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::WholeArrayIn | ControlSignature tag for whole input arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::WholeArrayIn | ControlSignature tag for whole input arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::WholeArrayIn | ControlSignature tag for whole input arrays. |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::WorkletBase::WholeArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::WholeArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::WholeArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::WholeArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::WholeArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::WholeArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::WholeArrayInOut | ControlSignature tag for whole input/output arrays. |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::WorkletBase::WholeArrayOut | ControlSignature tag for whole output arrays |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::WholeArrayOut | ControlSignature tag for whole output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::WholeArrayOut | ControlSignature tag for whole output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::WholeArrayOut | ControlSignature tag for whole output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::WholeArrayOut | ControlSignature tag for whole output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::WholeArrayOut | ControlSignature tag for whole output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::WholeArrayOut | ControlSignature tag for whole output arrays. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::FieldIn | A control signature tag for input fields |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::FieldInOut | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::FieldOut | A control signature tag for output fields |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology >::CellSetIn | A control signature tag for input connectivity |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::CellSetIn | A control signature tag for input connectivity. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::CellSetIn | A control signature tag for input connectivity. |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology >::FieldInIncident | A control signature tag for input fields from the incident topology |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::FieldInIncident | A control signature tag for input fields from the incident topology |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::FieldInPoint | A control signature tag for input fields on the points of the topology |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::FieldInIncident | A control signature tag for input fields from the incident topology |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::FieldInCell | A control signature tag for input fields on the cells of the topology |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology >::FieldInOut | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields from the visited topology |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::FieldInOut | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::FieldInOutCell | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::FieldInOut | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::FieldInOutPoint | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology >::FieldInVisit | A control signature tag for input fields from the visited topology |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::FieldInVisit | A control signature tag for input fields from the visited topology |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::FieldInCell | A control signature tag for input fields on the cells of the topology |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::FieldInVisit | A control signature tag for input fields from the visited topology |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::FieldInPoint | A control signature tag for input fields on the points of the topology |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology >::FieldOut | A control signature tag for output fields |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::FieldOut | A control signature tag for output fields. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::FieldOutCell | A control signature tag for output fields |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::FieldOut | A control signature tag for output fields. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::FieldOutPoint | A control signature tag for output fields |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletNeighborhood::CellSetIn | A control signature tag for input connectivity |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::CellSetIn | A control signature tag for input connectivity. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::CellSetIn | A control signature tag for input connectivity. |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletNeighborhood::FieldIn | A control signature tag for input fields |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::FieldIn | A control signature tag for input fields. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::FieldIn | A control signature tag for input fields. |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletNeighborhood::FieldInNeighborhood | A control signature tag for neighborhood input values |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::FieldInNeighborhood | A control signature tag for neighborhood input values. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::FieldInNeighborhood | A control signature tag for neighborhood input values. |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletNeighborhood::FieldInOut | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::FieldInOut | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::FieldInOut | A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields. |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletNeighborhood::FieldOut | A control signature tag for output fields |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::FieldOut | A control signature tag for output fields. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::FieldOut | A control signature tag for output fields. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::KeysIn | A control signature tag for input keys |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::ReducedValuesIn | A control signature tag for reduced input values |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::ReducedValuesInOut | A control signature tag for reduced output values |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::ReducedValuesOut | A control signature tag for reduced output values |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::ValuesIn | A control signature tag for input values associated with the keys |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::ValuesInOut | A control signature tag for input/output values associated with the keys |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::ValuesOut | A control signature tag for output values associated with the keys |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::WorkletBase::WholeCellSetIn< Cell, Point > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::WholeCellSetIn< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology > | ControlSignature tag for whole input topology. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::WholeCellSetIn< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology > | ControlSignature tag for whole input topology. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::WholeCellSetIn< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology > | ControlSignature tag for whole input topology. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::WholeCellSetIn< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology > | ControlSignature tag for whole input topology. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::WholeCellSetIn< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology > | ControlSignature tag for whole input topology. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::WholeCellSetIn< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology > | ControlSignature tag for whole input topology. |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::CopyBody< InputPortalType, OutputPortalType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::CopyIfBody< InputPortalType, StencilPortalType, OutputPortalType, UnaryPredicateType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::CopyIfHelper | |
Cvtkm::worklet::CosmoTools | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::CustomScatterOrMaskTag | Used for when not using MaskNone and ScatterIdentity |
Cvtkm::rendering::Cylinderizer | |
Cvtkm::cont::DataSet | Contains and manages the geometric data structures that VTK-m operates on |
Cvtkm::cont::DataSetBuilderCurvilinear | |
Cvtkm::cont::DataSetBuilderExplicit | |
Cvtkm::cont::DataSetBuilderExplicitIterative | Helper class to build a DataSet by iteratively adding points and cells |
Cvtkm::cont::DataSetBuilderRectilinear | |
Cvtkm::cont::DataSetBuilderUniform | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::DefaultScatterAndMaskTag | Uses spaces optimizations when using MaskNone and ScatterIdentity |
Cvtkm::worklet::DescriptiveStatistics | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< DeviceAdapterTag > | Struct containing device adapter algorithms |
►Cvtkm::cont::internal::DeviceAdapterAlgorithmGeneral< DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos >, vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::internal::DeviceAdapterAlgorithmGeneral< DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP >, vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::internal::DeviceAdapterAlgorithmGeneral< DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagSerial >, vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagSerial > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagSerial > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::internal::DeviceAdapterAlgorithmGeneral< DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB >, vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::internal::DeviceAdapterAlgorithmGeneral< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda >, vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId | An object used to specify a device |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny | Tag for a device adapter used to specify that any device may be used for an operation |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda | Tag for a device adapter that uses a CUDA capable GPU device |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos | Tag for a device adapter that uses the Kokkos library to run algorithms in parallel |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP | Tag for a device adapter that uses OpenMP compiler extensions to run algorithms on multiple threads |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagSerial | Tag for a device adapter that performs all computation on the same single thread as the control environment |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB | Tag for a device adapter that uses the Intel Threading Building Blocks library to run algorithms on multiple threads |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagUndefined | Tag for a device adapter used to avoid specifying a device |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< DeviceAdapterTag > | Class providing a device-specific runtime support detector |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | Class providing a CUDA runtime support detector |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos > | Determine if this machine supports Kokkos backend |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP > | Determine if this machine supports Serial backend |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagSerial > | Determine if this machine supports Serial backend |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterRuntimeDetector< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB > | Determine if this machine supports Serial backend |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTag___ | A tag specifying the interface between the control and execution environments |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTimerImplementation< DeviceAdapterTag > | Class providing a device-specific timer |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTimerImplementation< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | Specialization of DeviceAdapterTimerImplementation for CUDA CUDA contains its own high resolution timer that are able to track how long it takes to execute async kernels |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTimerImplementation< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB > | TBB contains its own high resolution timer |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTraits< DeviceAdapter > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTraits< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTraits< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTraits< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTraits< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTraits< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagSerial > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTraits< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTraits< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagUndefined > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceTaskTypes< DeviceTag > | Class providing a device-specific support for selecting the optimal Task type for a given worklet |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceTaskTypes< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceTaskTypes< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceTaskTypes< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagOpenMP > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceTaskTypes< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagSerial > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceTaskTypes< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagTBB > | |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::DispatcherBase< DispatcherCellNeighborhood< WorkletType >, WorkletType, vtkm::worklet::WorkletNeighborhood > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::DispatcherCellNeighborhood< WorkletType > | Dispatcher for worklets that inherit from WorkletCellNeighborhood |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::DispatcherBase< DispatcherMapTopology< WorkletType >, WorkletType, vtkm::worklet::detail::WorkletMapTopologyBase > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapTopology< WorkletType > | Dispatcher for worklets that inherit from WorkletMapTopology |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::DispatcherBase< DispatcherPointNeighborhood< WorkletType >, WorkletType, vtkm::worklet::WorkletNeighborhood > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::DispatcherPointNeighborhood< WorkletType > | Dispatcher for worklets that inherit from WorkletPointNeighborhood |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::DispatcherBase< DispatcherReduceByKey< WorkletType >, WorkletType, vtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::DispatcherReduceByKey< WorkletType > | Dispatcher for worklets that inherit from WorkletReduceByKey |
Cvtkm::Divide | |
Cvtkm::cont::EnvironmentTracker | Maintain MPI controller, if any, for distributed operation |
Cvtkm::Equal | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x is equal to y |
►Cexception | |
►Cvtkm::cont::Error | The superclass of all exceptions thrown by any VTKm function or method |
Cvtkm::cont::cuda::ErrorCuda | This error is thrown whenever an unidentified CUDA runtime error is encountered |
Cvtkm::cont::ErrorBadAllocation | This class is thrown when VTK-m attempts to manipulate memory that it should not |
Cvtkm::cont::ErrorBadDevice | This class is thrown when VTK-m performs an operation that is not supported on the current device |
Cvtkm::cont::ErrorBadType | This class is thrown when VTK-m encounters data of a type that is incompatible with the current operation |
Cvtkm::cont::ErrorBadValue | This class is thrown when a VTKm function or method encounters an invalid value that inhibits progress |
Cvtkm::cont::ErrorExecution | This class is thrown in the control environment whenever an error occurs in the execution environment |
Cvtkm::cont::ErrorFilterExecution | This class is primarily intended to filters to throw in the control environment to indicate an execution failure due to misconfiguration e.g |
Cvtkm::cont::ErrorInternal | This class is thrown when VTKm detects an internal state that should never be reached |
Cvtkm::cont::ErrorUserAbort | This class is thrown when vtk-m detects a request for aborting execution in the current thread |
Cvtkm::io::ErrorIO | This class is thrown when VTK-m encounters an error with the file system |
►Cvtkm::cont::ExecutionObjectBase | Base ExecutionObjectBase for execution objects to inherit from so that you can use an arbitrary object as a parameter in an execution environment function |
Cvtkm::cont::AtomicArray< T > | A type list containing types that can be used with an AtomicArray |
►Cvtkm::cont::CellLocatorBase | Base class for all CellLocator classes |
Cvtkm::cont::CellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchy | |
Cvtkm::cont::CellLocatorGeneral | A CellLocator that works generally well for any supported cell set |
Cvtkm::cont::CellLocatorRectilinearGrid | |
Cvtkm::cont::CellLocatorTwoLevel | A locator that uses 2 nested levels of grids |
Cvtkm::cont::CellLocatorUniformBins | A locator that uses a uniform grid |
Cvtkm::cont::CellLocatorUniformGrid | |
Cvtkm::cont::CellLocatorPartitioned | |
Cvtkm::cont::ColorTable | Color Table for coloring arbitrary fields |
►Cvtkm::cont::ExecutionAndControlObjectBase | Base ExecutionAndControlObjectBase class |
►Cvtkm::internal::ImplicitFunctionBase< Box > | |
Cvtkm::Box | Implicit function for a box |
►Cvtkm::internal::ImplicitFunctionBase< Cylinder > | |
Cvtkm::Cylinder | Implicit function for a cylinder |
►Cvtkm::internal::ImplicitFunctionBase< Frustum > | |
Cvtkm::Frustum | Implicit function for a frustum |
►Cvtkm::internal::ImplicitFunctionBase< ImplicitFunctionMultiplexer< ImplicitFunctionTypes... > > | |
►Cvtkm::ImplicitFunctionMultiplexer< vtkm::Box, vtkm::Cylinder, vtkm::Frustum, vtkm::Plane, vtkm::Sphere, vtkm::MultiPlane< 3 > > | |
Cvtkm::ImplicitFunctionGeneral | Implicit function that can switch among known implicit function types |
Cvtkm::ImplicitFunctionMultiplexer< ImplicitFunctionTypes > | Implicit function that can switch among different types |
►Cvtkm::internal::ImplicitFunctionBase< MultiPlane< MaxNumPlanes > > | |
Cvtkm::MultiPlane< MaxNumPlanes > | Implicit function for a MultiPlane |
►Cvtkm::cont::PointLocatorBase | Base class for all PointLocator classes |
Cvtkm::cont::PointLocatorSparseGrid | A locator that bins points in a sparsely stored grid |
Cvtkm::rendering::Texture2D< NumComponents >::Texture2DSampler | |
Cvtkm::worklet::StableSortIndices::IndirectSortPredicateExecObject< KeyArrayType > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::StableSortIndices::IndirectUniquePredicateExecObject< KeyArrayType > | |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::ExecutionSignatureTagBase | The base class for all tags used in an ExecutionSignature |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::BasicArg< ControlSignatureIndex > | The underlying tag for basic ExecutionSignature arguments |
►Cvtkm::placeholders::Arg< ControlSignatureIndex > | Argument placeholders for an ExecutionSignature |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::_1 | Argument placeholders for an ExecutionSignature . |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::_1 | Argument placeholders for an ExecutionSignature . |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::_1 | Argument placeholders for an ExecutionSignature . |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::_1 | Argument placeholders for an ExecutionSignature . |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::_1 | Argument placeholders for an ExecutionSignature . |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::_1 | Argument placeholders for an ExecutionSignature . |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::Boundary | The ExecutionSignature tag to get if executing on a boundary element |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletNeighborhood::Boundary | The ExecutionSignature tag to query if the current iteration is inside the boundary |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::Boundary | The ExecutionSignature tag to query if the current iteration is inside the boundary. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::Boundary | The ExecutionSignature tag to query if the current iteration is inside the boundary. |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::CellShape | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the cell shape |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology >::CellShape | An execution signature tag for getting the cell shape |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::CellShape | An execution signature tag to get the shape of the visited cell |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::IncidentElementCount | The ExecutionSignature tag to get the number of incident elements |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology >::IncidentElementCount | An execution signature tag to get the number of incident elements |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::PointCount | An execution signature tag to get the number of incident points |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::CellCount | An execution signature tag to get the number of incident cells |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::IncidentElementIndices | The ExecutionSignature tag to get the indices of visited elements |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology >::IncidentElementIndices | An execution signature tag to get the indices of from elements |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::PointIndices | An execution signature tag to get the indices of the incident points |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::CellIndices | An execution signature tag to get the indices of the incident cells |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::InputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the input index |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::InputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the input index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::InputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the input index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::InputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the input index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::InputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the input index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::InputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the input index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::InputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the input index. |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::OutputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the output index |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::OutputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the output index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::OutputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the output index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::OutputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the output index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::OutputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the output index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::OutputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the output index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::OutputIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the output index. |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndices | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the thread indices |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::ThreadIndices | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the thread indices. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::ThreadIndices | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the thread indices. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::ThreadIndices | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the thread indices. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::ThreadIndices | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the thread indices. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::ThreadIndices | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the thread indices. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::ThreadIndices | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the thread indices. |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::ValueCount | The ExecutionSignature tag to get the number of values |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::ValueCount | The ExecutionSignature tag to get the number of values |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::VisitIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the visit index |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::VisitIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the visit index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::VisitIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the visit index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::VisitIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the visit index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::VisitIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the visit index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::VisitIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the visit index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::VisitIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the visit index. |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::WorkIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the work index |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::WorkIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the work index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::WorkIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the work index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::WorkIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the work index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::WorkIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the work index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::WorkIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the work index. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::WorkIndex | The ExecutionSignature tag to use to get the work index. |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::WorkletBase::Device | ExecutionSignature tag for getting the device adapter tag |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood::Device | ExecutionSignature tag for getting the device adapter tag. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField::Device | ExecutionSignature tag for getting the device adapter tag. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood::Device | ExecutionSignature tag for getting the device adapter tag. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey::Device | ExecutionSignature tag for getting the device adapter tag. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints::Device | ExecutionSignature tag for getting the device adapter tag. |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells::Device | ExecutionSignature tag for getting the device adapter tag. |
Cvtkm::cont::BitField::ExecutionTypes< Device > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::AverageByKey::ExtractMean | |
►Cfalse_type | |
►Cvtkm::internal::is_type_complete< kokkos::internal::ReductionIdentity< BinaryOperator, ResultType > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos >::UseKokkosReduceP1< true, BinaryOperator, ResultType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos >::UseKokkosReduceP1 | |
Cvtkm::cont::IsArrayHandleDiscard< T > | Helper to determine if an ArrayHandle type is an ArrayHandleDiscard |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchTag, AspectTag, ExecObjectType > | Class for loading and storing values in thread instance |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagBoundary, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagCellShape, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagIncidentElementCount, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagInputIndex, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagOutputIndex, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagThreadIndices, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagValueCount, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagVisitIndex, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchTag, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagWorkIndex, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< FetchType, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagIncidentElementIndices, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectIn, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectInOut, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectOut, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayNeighborhoodIn, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayTopologyMapIn, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagCellSetIn, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagExecObject, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::Fetch< vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagWholeCellSetIn, vtkm::exec::arg::AspectTagDefault, ExecObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectIn | Fetch tag for getting array values with direct indexing |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectInOut | Fetch tag for in-place modifying array values with direct indexing |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectOut | Fetch tag for setting array values with direct indexing |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayNeighborhoodIn | Fetch tag for getting values of neighborhood around a point |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayTopologyMapIn | Fetch tag for getting array values determined by topology connections |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagCellSetIn | Fetch tag for getting topology information |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagExecObject | Fetch tag for execution objects |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagKeysIn | Fetch tag for getting key values in a reduce by key |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagWholeCellSetIn | Fetch tag for whole cell sets |
►Cvtkm::cont::Field | A Field encapsulates an array on some piece of the mesh, such as the points, a cell set, a point logical dimension, or the whole mesh |
Cvtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem | Manages a coordinate system for a DataSet |
Cvtkm::exec::FieldNeighborhood< FieldPortalType > | Retrieves field values from a neighborhood |
Cvtkm::filter::FieldSelection | A FieldSelection stores information about fields to map for input dataset to output when a filter is executed |
Cvtkm::worklet::FieldStatistics< FieldType > | |
►Cvtkm::filter::Filter | Base class for all filters |
Cvtkm::filter::clean_grid::CleanGrid | Clean a mesh to an unstructured grid |
Cvtkm::filter::connected_components::CellSetConnectivity | Finds and labels groups of cells that are connected together through their topology |
Cvtkm::filter::connected_components::ImageConnectivity | |
►Cvtkm::filter::contour::AbstractContour | Contour filter interface |
►Cvtkm::filter::contour::Contour | Generate contours or isosurfaces from a region of space |
Cvtkm::filter::contour::Slice | Intersect a mesh with an implicit surface |
Cvtkm::filter::contour::SliceMultiple | This filter can accept multiple implicit functions used by the slice filter |
Cvtkm::filter::contour::ContourFlyingEdges | Generate isosurface(s) from a 3-dimensional structured mesh |
Cvtkm::filter::contour::ContourMarchingCells | Generate isosurface(s) from a Volume using the Marching Cells algorithm |
Cvtkm::filter::contour::ClipWithField | Clip a dataset using a field |
Cvtkm::filter::contour::ClipWithImplicitFunction | Clip a dataset using an implicit function |
Cvtkm::filter::contour::MIRFilter | Calculates and subdivides a mesh based on the material interface reconstruction algorithm |
Cvtkm::filter::density_estimate::ContinuousScatterPlot | Constructs the continuous scatterplot for two given scalar point fields of a mesh |
Cvtkm::filter::density_estimate::Entropy | Construct the entropy histogram of a given Field |
Cvtkm::filter::density_estimate::Histogram | Construct the histogram of a given field |
Cvtkm::filter::density_estimate::NDEntropy | Calculate the entropy of input N-Dims fields |
Cvtkm::filter::density_estimate::NDHistogram | Generate a N-Dims histogram from input fields |
►Cvtkm::filter::density_estimate::ParticleDensityBase | |
Cvtkm::filter::density_estimate::ParticleDensityCloudInCell | Estimate the density of particles using the Cloud-in-Cell method |
Cvtkm::filter::density_estimate::ParticleDensityNearestGridPoint | Estimate the density of particles using the Nearest Grid Point method |
Cvtkm::filter::density_estimate::Statistics | Computes descriptive statistics of an input field |
Cvtkm::filter::entity_extraction::ExternalFaces | Extract external faces of a geometry |
Cvtkm::filter::entity_extraction::ExtractGeometry | Extract a subset of geometry based on an implicit function |
Cvtkm::filter::entity_extraction::ExtractPoints | Extract only points from a geometry using an implicit function |
Cvtkm::filter::entity_extraction::ExtractStructured | Select a piece (e.g., volume of interest) and/or subsample structured points dataset |
Cvtkm::filter::entity_extraction::GhostCellRemove | Removes cells marked as ghost cells |
Cvtkm::filter::entity_extraction::Mask | Subselect cells using a stride |
Cvtkm::filter::entity_extraction::MaskPoints | Subselect points using a stride |
Cvtkm::filter::entity_extraction::Threshold | Extracts cells that satisfy a threshold criterion |
Cvtkm::filter::entity_extraction::ThresholdPoints | |
Cvtkm::filter::field_conversion::CellAverage | Point to cell interpolation filter |
Cvtkm::filter::field_conversion::PointAverage | Cell to Point interpolation filter |
Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::CompositeVectors | Combine multiple scalar fields into a single vector field |
Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::CylindricalCoordinateTransform | Transform coordinates between Cartesian and cylindrical |
Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::FieldToColors | Convert an arbitrary field to an RGB or RGBA field |
Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::GenerateIds | Adds fields to a vtkm::cont::DataSet that give the ids for the points and cells |
Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::LogValues | Adds field to a vtkm::cont::DataSet that gives the log values for the user specified field |
Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::PointElevation | Generate a scalar field along a specified direction |
Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::PointTransform | Perform affine transforms to point coordinates or vector fields |
Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::SphericalCoordinateTransform | Transform coordinates between Cartesian and spherical |
►Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::Warp | Modify points by moving points along scaled direction vectors |
Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::WarpScalar | |
Cvtkm::filter::field_transform::WarpVector | |
Cvtkm::filter::FilterField | |
►Cvtkm::filter::flow::FilterParticleAdvection | Base class for advecting particles in a vector field |
►Cvtkm::filter::flow::FilterParticleAdvectionSteadyState< ParticleAdvection > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::ParticleAdvection | Advect particles in a vector field |
►Cvtkm::filter::flow::FilterParticleAdvectionSteadyState< Streamline > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::Streamline | Advect particles in a vector field and display the path they take |
►Cvtkm::filter::flow::FilterParticleAdvectionSteadyState< WarpXStreamline > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::WarpXStreamline | Advect particles in a vector field |
►Cvtkm::filter::flow::FilterParticleAdvectionUnsteadyState< Pathline > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::Pathline | Advect particles in a time-varying vector field and display the path they take |
►Cvtkm::filter::flow::FilterParticleAdvectionUnsteadyState< PathParticle > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::PathParticle | Advect particles in a vector field |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::FilterParticleAdvectionSteadyState< Derived > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::FilterParticleAdvectionUnsteadyState< Derived > | Superclass for filters that operate on flow that changes over time |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::Lagrangian | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::LagrangianStructures | Compute the finite time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE) of a vector field |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::StreamSurface | Generate stream surfaces from a vector field |
Cvtkm::filter::geometry_refinement::ConvertToPointCloud | Convert a DataSet to a point cloud |
Cvtkm::filter::geometry_refinement::Shrink | Shrink cells of an arbitrary dataset by a constant factor |
Cvtkm::filter::geometry_refinement::SplitSharpEdges | Split sharp polygon mesh edges with a large feature angle between the adjacent cells |
Cvtkm::filter::geometry_refinement::Tetrahedralize | Convert all polyhedra of a vtkm::cont::DataSet into tetrahedra |
Cvtkm::filter::geometry_refinement::Triangulate | Convert all polygons of a vtkm::cont::DataSet into triangles |
Cvtkm::filter::geometry_refinement::Tube | Generate a tube around each line and polyline |
Cvtkm::filter::geometry_refinement::VertexClustering | Reduce the number of triangles in a mesh |
Cvtkm::filter::image_processing::ComputeMoments | |
Cvtkm::filter::image_processing::ImageDifference | Construct an ImageDifference of a given DataSet |
Cvtkm::filter::image_processing::ImageMedian | |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::CellMeasures | Compute the size measure of each cell in a dataset |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::GhostCellClassify | Determines which cells should be considered ghost cells in a structured data set |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQuality | Computes the quality of an unstructured cell-based mesh |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityArea | Compute the area of each cell |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityAspectGamma | For each cell, compute the normalized root-mean-square of the edge lengths |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityAspectRatio | Compute for each cell the ratio of its longest edge to its circumradius |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityCondition | Compute for each cell the condition number of the weighted Jacobian matrix |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityDiagonalRatio | Compute for each cell the ratio of the maximum diagonal to the minimum diagonal |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityDimension | Compute for each cell a metric specifically designed for Sandia's Pronto code |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityJacobian | Compute for each cell the minimum determinant of the Jacobian matrix, over corners and cell center |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityMaxAngle | Computes the maximum angle within each cell in degrees |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityMaxDiagonal | Computes the maximum diagonal length within each cell in degrees |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityMinAngle | Computes the minimum angle within each cell in degrees |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityMinDiagonal | Computes the minimal diagonal length within each cell in degrees |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityOddy | Compute for each cell the maximum deviation of a metric tensor from an identity matrix, over all corners and cell center |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityRelativeSizeSquared | Compute for each cell the ratio of area or volume to the mesh average |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityScaledJacobian | Compute for each cell a metric derived from the Jacobian matric with normalization involving edge length |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityShape | Compute a shape-based metric for each cell |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityShapeAndSize | Compute a metric for each cell based on the shape scaled by the cell size |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityShear | Compute the shear of each cell |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualitySkew | Compute the skew of each cell |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityStretch | Compute the stretch of each cell |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityTaper | Compute the taper of each cell |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityVolume | Compute the volume each cell |
Cvtkm::filter::mesh_info::MeshQualityWarpage | Compute the flatness of cells |
Cvtkm::filter::multi_block::AmrArrays | Generate arrays describing the AMR structure in a partitioned data set |
Cvtkm::filter::multi_block::MergeDataSets | Merging multiple data sets into one data set |
Cvtkm::filter::resampling::HistSampling | Adaptively sample points to preserve tail features |
Cvtkm::filter::resampling::Probe | Sample the fields of a data set at specified locations |
Cvtkm::filter::scalar_topology::ContourTreeAugmented | Construct the Contour Tree for a 2D or 3D regular mesh |
Cvtkm::filter::scalar_topology::ContourTreeMesh2D | Construct the ContourTree for a 2D Mesh |
Cvtkm::filter::scalar_topology::ContourTreeMesh3D | Construct the ContourTree for a 3D Mesh |
Cvtkm::filter::scalar_topology::ContourTreeUniformDistributed | Construct the Contour Tree for a 2D or 3D regular mesh |
Cvtkm::filter::scalar_topology::DistributedBranchDecompositionFilter | Compute branch decompostion from distributed contour tree |
Cvtkm::filter::scalar_topology::SelectTopVolumeContoursFilter | Compute branch decompostion from distributed contour tree |
Cvtkm::filter::uncertainty::ContourUncertainUniform | Visualize isosurface uncertainty for uniform distributed data |
Cvtkm::filter::uncertainty::ContourUncertainUniformMonteCarlo | Visualize isosurface uncertainty using Monte Carlo approach for uniformly distributed data |
Cvtkm::filter::vector_analysis::CrossProduct | Compute the cross product of 3D vector fields |
Cvtkm::filter::vector_analysis::DotProduct | Compute the dot product of vector fields |
Cvtkm::filter::vector_analysis::Gradient | A general filter for gradient estimation |
Cvtkm::filter::vector_analysis::SurfaceNormals | Computes normals for polygonal mesh |
Cvtkm::filter::vector_analysis::VectorMagnitude | Compute the magnitudes of a vector field |
Cvtkm::filter::zfp::ZFPCompressor1D | Compress a scalar field using ZFP |
Cvtkm::filter::zfp::ZFPCompressor2D | Compress a scalar field using ZFP |
Cvtkm::filter::zfp::ZFPCompressor3D | Compress a scalar field using ZFP |
Cvtkm::filter::zfp::ZFPDecompressor1D | Decompress a scalar field using ZFP |
Cvtkm::filter::zfp::ZFPDecompressor2D | Decompress a scalar field using ZFP |
Cvtkm::filter::zfp::ZFPDecompressor3D | Decompress a scalar field using ZFP |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::FlowTraits< Derived > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::FlowTraits< ParticleAdvection > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::FlowTraits< Pathline > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::FlowTraits< PathParticle > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::FlowTraits< Streamline > | |
Cvtkm::filter::flow::FlowTraits< WarpXStreamline > | |
►Cvtkm::exec::FunctorBase | Base class for all user worklets invoked in the execution environment from a call to vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm::Schedule |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda >::BitFieldToUnorderedSetFunctor | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda >::CountSetBitsFunctor | |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::WorkletBase | Base class for all worklet classes |
►Cvtkm::worklet::detail::WorkletMapTopologyBase | |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology > | Base class for worklets that map topology elements onto each other |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< vtkm::TopologyElementTagCell, vtkm::TopologyElementTagPoint > | |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints | Base class for worklets that map from Points to Cells |
Cvtkm::rendering::Cylinderizer::CountSegments | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Cylinderizer::Cylinderize | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Cylinderizer::SegmentedStructured< DIM > | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Quadralizer::CountQuads | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Quadralizer::Quadralize | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Quadralizer::SegmentedStructured< DIM > | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Triangulator::CountTriangles | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Triangulator::Triangulate | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Triangulator::TriangulateStructured< DIM > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::CellDeepCopy::CountCellPoints | |
Cvtkm::worklet::CellDeepCopy::PassCellStructure | |
Cvtkm::worklet::TriangleWinding::WorkletGetCellShapesAndSizes | |
Cvtkm::worklet::TriangleWinding::WorkletWindToCellNormalsGeneric | |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapTopology< vtkm::TopologyElementTagPoint, vtkm::TopologyElementTagCell > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells | Base class for worklets that map from Cells to Points |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField | Base class for worklets that do a simple mapping of field arrays |
Cvtkm::rendering::Triangulator::IndicesSort | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Triangulator::InterleaveArrays12 | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Triangulator::InterleaveArrays2 | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Triangulator::UniqueTriangles | |
Cvtkm::worklet::FieldStatistics< FieldType >::CalculatePowers | |
Cvtkm::worklet::FieldStatistics< FieldType >::SubtractConst | |
Cvtkm::worklet::KernelSplatterFilterUniformGrid< Kernel, DeviceAdapter >::ComputeLocalNeighborId | |
Cvtkm::worklet::KernelSplatterFilterUniformGrid< Kernel, DeviceAdapter >::GetFootprint | |
Cvtkm::worklet::KernelSplatterFilterUniformGrid< Kernel, DeviceAdapter >::GetSplatValue | |
Cvtkm::worklet::KernelSplatterFilterUniformGrid< Kernel, DeviceAdapter >::UpdateVoxelSplats | |
Cvtkm::worklet::KernelSplatterFilterUniformGrid< Kernel, DeviceAdapter >::zero_voxel | |
Cvtkm::worklet::Normal | |
Cvtkm::worklet::Normalize | |
Cvtkm::worklet::streamline::MakeStreamLines< FieldType > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::TriangleWinding::WorkletWindToCellNormals | |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletNeighborhood | |
Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletCellNeighborhood | Base class for worklets that map over the cells in a structured grid with neighborhood information |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood | Base class for worklets that map over the points in a structured grid with neighborhood information |
Cvtkm::worklet::AveragePointNeighborhood | |
►Cvtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey | Base class for worklets that group elements by keys |
Cvtkm::worklet::AverageByKey::AverageWorklet | |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::GlyphArrays | VTK-m data arrays underlying the ANARIArray handles created by the mapper |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::GlyphsParameters | Raw ANARI arrays and parameter values set on the ANARIGeometry |
Cvtkm::exec::twolevelgrid::Grid | |
►Cvtkm::io::ImageReaderBase | Manages reading, and loading data from images |
Cvtkm::io::ImageReaderHDF5 | Reading images using HDF5 Image format |
Cvtkm::io::ImageReaderPNG | Reads images using the PNG format |
Cvtkm::io::ImageReaderPNM | Reads images using the PNM format |
►Cvtkm::io::ImageWriterBase | Manages writing, and loading data from images |
Cvtkm::io::ImageWriterHDF5 | Writing images using HDF5 Image format |
Cvtkm::io::ImageWriterPNG | Writes images using the PNG format |
Cvtkm::io::ImageWriterPNM | Writes images using the PNM format |
Cvtkm::ImplicitFunctionGradientFunctor< FunctionType > | A helpful functor that calls the gradient method of a given ImplicitFunction |
Cvtkm::ImplicitFunctionValueFunctor< FunctionType > | A helpful functor that calls the value method of a given ImplicitFunction |
Cvtkm::exec::IndicesExtrude | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Triangulator::IndicesLessThan | |
Cvtkm::worklet::StableSortIndices::IndirectSortPredicate< KeyPortalType > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::StableSortIndices::IndirectUniquePredicate< KeyPortalType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::InitializeResult | |
►Cintegral_constant | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::ReduceHelper::IsIntegral< vtkm::Pair< T, U > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::CellSetExplicit< ShapesStorageTag, ConnectivityStorageTag, OffsetsStorageTag >::Internals | |
Cvtkm::cont::Invoker | Allows launching any worklet without a dispatcher |
►Cis_base_of | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< TypeCheckTagBitField, T > | |
►Cis_integral | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::ReduceHelper::IsIntegral< T > | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::ReduceHelper::IsIntegral< vtkm::Vec< T, Size > > | |
►Cis_pointer | |
Cvtkm::exec::AtomicArrayExecutionObject< T >::HasPointerAccess< PortalType, PointerType > | |
Cvtkm::worklet::streamline::IsUnity | |
Cvtkm::IsZeroInitialized | Predicate that takes a single argument x , and returns True if it is the identity of the Type T |
Cvtkm::worklet::KernelSplatterFilterUniformGrid< Kernel, DeviceAdapter > | |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::KeysBase | |
Cvtkm::worklet::Keys< T > | Manage keys for a vtkm::worklet::WorkletReduceByKey |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos >::KokkosReduceFunctor | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorBoundingIntervalHierarchy< CellSetType >::LastCell | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorUniformGrid::LastCell | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorRectilinearGrid::LastCell | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorTwoLevel< CellStructureType >::LastCell | |
Cvtkm::exec::CellLocatorUniformBins< CellStructureType >::LastCell | |
Cvtkm::worklet::TriangleWinding::Launcher | |
Cvtkm::rendering::LineRenderer | |
Cvtkm::rendering::LineRendererBatcher | |
Cvtkm::LineSegment< CoordType, Dim > | Represent a finite line segment with a pair of points |
Cvtkm::List< Ts > | A template used to hold a list of types |
Cvtkm::List< Hints... > | |
Cvtkm::cont::LogCondStream | Conditionally logs a message with a stream-like interface |
Cvtkm::LogicalAnd | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x and y are True |
Cvtkm::LogicalNot | Predicate that takes a single argument x , and returns True if and only if x is false |
Cvtkm::LogicalOr | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x or y is True |
Cvtkm::worklet::DescriptiveStatistics::MakeStatState | |
►Cvtkm::rendering::Mapper | Converts data into commands to a rendering system |
Cvtkm::rendering::MapperConnectivity | |
Cvtkm::rendering::MapperCylinder | MapperCylinder renderers edges from a cell set and renders them as cylinders via ray tracing |
►Cvtkm::rendering::MapperGlyphBase | Base class for glyph mappers |
Cvtkm::rendering::MapperGlyphScalar | A mapper that produces unoriented glyphs |
Cvtkm::rendering::MapperGlyphVector | A mapper that produces oriented glyphs |
Cvtkm::rendering::MapperPoint | This mapper renders points from a cell set |
Cvtkm::rendering::MapperQuad | A mapper that renderers quad faces from a cell set via ray tracing |
Cvtkm::rendering::MapperRayTracer | Mapper to render surfaces using ray tracing |
Cvtkm::rendering::MapperVolume | Mapper that renders a volume as a translucent cloud |
Cvtkm::rendering::MapperWireframer | Mapper that renders the edges of a mesh |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::MaskBase | Base class for all mask classes |
Cvtkm::worklet::MaskIndices | Mask using a given array of indices to include in the output |
Cvtkm::worklet::MaskNone | Default mask object that does not suppress anything |
Cvtkm::worklet::MaskSelect | Mask using arrays to select specific elements to suppress |
Cvtkm::Matrix< T, NumRow, NumCol > | Basic Matrix type |
Cvtkm::Matrix< vtkm::Float32, 4, 4 > | |
Cvtkm::Matrix< vtkm::FloatDefault, 4, 4 > | |
Cvtkm::rendering::MatrixHelpers | |
Cvtkm::Maximum | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns the x if x > y otherwise returns y |
Cvtkm::MinAndMax< T > | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns a vtkm::Vec<T,2> that represents the minimum and maximum values |
Cvtkm::Minimum | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns the x if x < y otherwise returns y |
Cvtkm::Multiply | |
Cvtkm::worklet::NDimsHistMarginalization | |
Cvtkm::Negate | |
Cvtkm::NewtonsMethodResult< ScalarType, Size > | An object returned from NewtonsMethod() that contains the result and other information about the final state |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::scan::ScanExclusiveBody< InPortalT, OutPortalT, RawFunctorT >::Node | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::scan::ScanInclusiveBody< InPortalT, OutPortalT, RawFunctorT >::Node | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::UniqueHelper< IterT, RawPredicateT >::Node | |
►CNodeImpl | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::scan::Adder< ScanBody >::NodeWrapper< NodeImpl > | |
Cvtkm::NotEqual | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x is not equal to y |
Cvtkm::NotZeroInitialized | Predicate that takes a single argument x , and returns True if it isn't the identity of the Type T |
►Cvtkm::cont::Token::ObjectReference | |
Cvtkm::cont::Token::ObjectReferenceImpl< ObjectType > | |
Cvtkm::Pair< T1, T2 > | A vtkm::Pair is essentially the same as an STL pair object except that the methods (constructors and operators) are defined to work in both the control and execution environments (whereas std::pair is likely to work only in the control environment) |
Cvtkm::Particle | |
Cvtkm::cont::PartitionedDataSet | Comprises a set of vtkm::cont::DataSet objects |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagCuda >::PinnedErrorArray | |
Cvtkm::Plane | Represent a plane with a base point (origin) and normal vector |
Cvtkm::exec::PointLocatorSparseGrid | |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::PointsArrays | VTK-m data arrays underlying the ANARIArray handles created by the mapper |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::PointsFieldArrays | VTK-m data arrays underlying the ANARIArray handles created by the mapper for field attributes |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::PointsParameters | Raw ANARI arrays and parameter values set on the ANARIGeometry |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::TrianglesParameters::PrimitiveData | |
Cvtkm::Product | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns product (multiplication) of the two values |
Cvtkm::rendering::Quadralizer | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::sort::quick::QuickSorter< IterType, RawBinaryCompare > | |
Cvtkm::Range | Represent a continuous scalar range of values |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::CopyIfBody< InputPortalType, StencilPortalType, OutputPortalType, UnaryPredicateType >::Range | |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::ReduceByKeyBody< KeysInPortalType, ValuesInPortalType, KeysOutPortalType, ValuesOutPortalType, BinaryOperationType >::Range | |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::UniqueBody< PortalType, BinaryOperationType >::Range | |
Cvtkm::RangeId | Represent a range of vtkm::Id values |
Cvtkm::RangeId2 | Represent 2D integer range |
Cvtkm::RangeId3 | Represent 3D integer range |
Cvtkm::Ray< CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided > | Represent an infinite or semi-infinite line segment with a point and a direction |
Cvtkm::ReadTheSourceCodeHereForHelpOnThisError< noError > | |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::ReduceBody< InputPortalType, T, BinaryOperationType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::ReduceByKeyBody< KeysInPortalType, ValuesInPortalType, KeysOutPortalType, ValuesOutPortalType, BinaryOperationType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::ReduceHelper | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos >::ReduceOperator | |
Cvtkm::cont::Token::Reference | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Wireframer::RenderWithDeviceFunctor | |
Cvtkm::rendering::ScalarRenderer::Result | |
Cvtkm::exec::ReverseConnectivityExtrude | |
Cvtkm::exec::ReverseIndicesExtrude< ConnectivityPortalType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::RuntimeDeviceInformation | A class that can be used to determine if a given device adapter is supported on the current machine at runtime |
►Cvtkm::cont::RuntimeDeviceTracker | RuntimeDeviceTracker is the central location for determining which device adapter will be active for algorithm execution |
Cvtkm::cont::ScopedRuntimeDeviceTracker | A class to create a scoped runtime device tracker object |
Cvtkm::rendering::ScalarRenderer | |
Cvtkm::worklet::ScalarsToColors | |
Cvtkm::filter::Filter::ScalarToVec< VecSize > | |
►CScanBody | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::scan::Adder< ScanBody > | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::scan::ScanExclusiveBody< InPortalT, OutPortalT, RawFunctorT > | |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::ScanExclusiveBody< InputPortalType, OutputPortalType, BinaryOperationType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos >::ScanExclusiveOperator | |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::ScanInclusiveBody< InputPortalType, OutputPortalType, BinaryOperationType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::scan::ScanInclusiveBody< InPortalT, OutPortalT, RawFunctorT > | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos >::ScanInclusiveOperator | |
►Cvtkm::worklet::internal::ScatterBase | Base class for all scatter classes |
Cvtkm::worklet::ScatterCounting | A scatter that maps input to some numbers of output |
Cvtkm::worklet::ScatterIdentity | A scatter that maps input directly to output |
Cvtkm::worklet::ScatterPermutation< PermutationStorage > | A scatter that maps input to output based on a permutation array |
Cvtkm::worklet::ScatterUniform< NumOutputsPerInput > | A scatter that maps input to some constant numbers of output |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::ScatterKernel< InputPortalType, IndexPortalType, OutputPortalType > | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Scene | A simple collection of things to render |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::ANARIScene::SceneMapper | |
Cvtkm::cont::cuda::ScheduleParameters | Represents how to schedule 1D, 2D, and 3D Cuda kernels |
Cmangled_diy_namespace::Serialization< vtkm::ChargedParticle > | |
Cmangled_diy_namespace::Serialization< vtkm::Particle > | |
Cvtkm::SortGreater | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x is greater than y |
Cvtkm::SortLess | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns True if and only if x is less than y |
►Cvtkm::source::Source | |
Cvtkm::source::Oscillator | An analytical, time-varying uniform dataset with a point based array |
Cvtkm::source::PerlinNoise | The PerlinNoise source creates a uniform dataset |
Cvtkm::source::Tangle | The Tangle source creates a uniform dataset |
Cvtkm::source::Wavelet | The Wavelet source creates a dataset similar to VTK's vtkRTAnalyticSource |
Cvtkm::Sphere | Represent a sphere of the given Dimension |
Cvtkm::worklet::StableSortIndices | Produces an ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id> index array that stable-sorts and optionally uniquifies an input array |
►CStaticAssigner | |
Cvtkm::cont::AssignerPartitionedDataSet | Assigner for PartitionedDataSet partitions |
Cvtkm::worklet::FieldStatistics< FieldType >::StatInfo | |
Cvtkm::worklet::DescriptiveStatistics::StatState< T > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTag___ | A tag specifying client memory allocation |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagBasic | A tag for the basic implementation of a Storage object |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagCartesianProduct< StorageTag1, StorageTag2, StorageTag3 > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagCast< SourceT, SourceStorage > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagCompositeVec< StorageTags > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagConcatenate< StorageTag1, StorageTag2 > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagConstant | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagCounting | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagExtractComponent< ArrayHandleType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagGroupVec< ComponentsStorageTag, NUM_COMPONENTS > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagGroupVecVariable< ComponentsStorageTag, OffsetsStorageTag > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagImplicit< ArrayPortalType > | An implementation for read-only implicit arrays |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagIndex | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagMultiplexer< StorageTags > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagOffsetsToNumComponents< OffsetsStorageTag > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagPermutation< IndexStorageTag, ValueStorageTag > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagReverse< StorageTag > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagRuntimeVec | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagSOA | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagStride | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagUniformPoints | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagView< StorageTag > | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagXGCCoordinates | |
Cvtkm::cont::StorageTagZip< ST1, ST2 > | |
Cvtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem::StorageToArrayDefault | |
Cvtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem::StorageToArrayNonDefault | |
Cvtkm::worklet::StreamLineFilterUniformGrid< FieldType > | Compute the streamline |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::StructuredVolumeArrays | VTK-m data arrays underlying the ANARIArray handles created by the mapper |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::StructuredVolumeParameters | Raw ANARI arrays and parameter values set on the ANARISpatialField |
Cvtkm::Subtract | |
Cvtkm::Sum | Binary Predicate that takes two arguments argument x , and y and returns sum (addition) of the two values |
►CSuperclass | |
Cvtkm::cont::CellSetPermutation< CellSetPermutation< CellSetType, PermutationArrayHandleType1 >, PermutationArrayHandleType2 > | |
►CT | |
Cvtkm::VecFlat< T, true > | |
Cvtkm::exec::TaskBase | Base class for all classes that are used to marshal data from the invocation parameters to the user worklets when invoked in the execution environment |
Cvtkm::filter::TaskQueue< T > | |
►Cvtkm::filter::TaskQueue< std::pair< vtkm::Id, vtkm::cont::DataSet > > | |
Cvtkm::filter::DataSetQueue | |
►Cvtkm::rendering::TextAnnotation | |
Cvtkm::rendering::TextAnnotationBillboard | |
Cvtkm::rendering::TextAnnotationScreen | |
Cvtkm::rendering::TextRenderer | |
Cvtkm::rendering::TextRendererBatcher | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Texture2D< NumComponents > | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Texture2D< 1 > | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Texture2D< NumComponents >::Texture2DSamplerExecutionObject< Device > | |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesBasic | Basic container for thread indices in a worklet invocation |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesBasic3D | Container for 3D thread indices in a worklet invocation |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesReduceByKey | Container for thread indices in a reduce by key invocation |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesTopologyMap< ConnectivityType, ScatterAndMaskMode > | Container for thread indices in a topology map |
►Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesNeighborhood | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesCellNeighborhood | Container for thread information in a WorkletCellNeighborhood |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesPointNeighborhood | Container for thread information in a WorkletPointNeighborhood |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesTopologyMap< vtkm::exec::ConnectivityExtrude, ScatterAndMaskMode > | |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesTopologyMap< vtkm::exec::ConnectivityPermutedVisitCellsWithPoints< PermutationPortal, vtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured< vtkm::TopologyElementTagCell, vtkm::TopologyElementTagPoint, Dimension > >, CustomScatterOrMaskTag > | Specialization for permuted structured connectivity types |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesTopologyMap< vtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology, Dimension >, CustomScatterOrMaskTag > | Specialization for CustomScatterOrMaskTag |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesTopologyMap< vtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology, Dimension >, DefaultScatterAndMaskTag > | Specialization for DefaultScatterAndMaskTag |
Cvtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesTopologyMap< vtkm::exec::ReverseConnectivityExtrude, ScatterAndMaskMode > | |
Cvtkm::cont::Timer | A class that can be used to time operations in VTK-m that might be occuring in parallel |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTimerImplementation< DeviceAdapterTag >::TimeStamp | |
Cvtkm::cont::Token | A token to hold the scope of an ArrayHandle or other object |
Cvtkm::TopologyElementTagCell | A tag used to identify the cell elements in a topology |
Cvtkm::TopologyElementTagEdge | A tag used to identify the edge elements in a topology |
Cvtkm::TopologyElementTagFace | A tag used to identify the face elements in a topology |
Cvtkm::TopologyElementTagPoint | A tag used to identify the point elements in a topology |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< TransportTag, ContObjectType, DeviceAdapterTag > | Class for transporting from the control to the execution environment |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayIn, ContObjectType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayInOut, ContObjectType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayOut, ContObjectType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagAtomicArray, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagBasic >, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagBitFieldIn, vtkm::cont::BitField, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagBitFieldInOut, vtkm::cont::BitField, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagBitFieldOut, vtkm::cont::BitField, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagCellSetIn< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology >, ContObjectType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagExecObject, ContObjectType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeyedValuesIn, ArrayHandleType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeyedValuesInOut, ArrayHandleType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeyedValuesOut, ArrayHandleType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeysIn, KeyType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagTopologyFieldIn< TopologyElementTag >, ContObjectType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagWholeArrayIn, ContObjectType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagWholeArrayInOut, ContObjectType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::Transport< vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagWholeArrayOut, ContObjectType, Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayIn | Transport tag for input arrays |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayInOut | Transport tag for in-place arrays |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayOut | Transport tag for output arrays |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagAtomicArray | Transport tag for in-place arrays with atomic operations |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagBitFieldIn | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagBitFieldInOut | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagBitFieldOut | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagCellSetIn< VisitTopology, IncidentTopology > | Transport tag for input arrays |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagExecObject | Transport tag for execution objects |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeyedValuesIn | Transport tag for input values in a reduce by key |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeyedValuesInOut | Transport tag for input values in a reduce by key |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeyedValuesOut | Transport tag for input values in a reduce by key |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagKeysIn | Transport tag for keys in a reduce by key |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagTopologyFieldIn< TopologyElementTag > | Transport tag for input arrays in topology maps |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagWholeArrayIn | Transport tag for in-place arrays with random access |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagWholeArrayInOut | Transport tag for in-place arrays with random access |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagWholeArrayOut | Transport tag for in-place arrays with random access |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::TriangleArrays | VTK-m data arrays underlying the ANARIArray handles created by the mapper |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::TriangleFieldArrays | VTK-m data arrays underlying the ANARIArray handles created by the mapper for field attributes |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::TrianglesParameters | Raw ANARI arrays and parameter values set on the ANARIGeometry |
Cvtkm::worklet::TriangleWinding | This worklet ensures that triangle windings are consistent with provided cell normals |
Cvtkm::rendering::Triangulator | Triangulator creates a minimal set of triangles from a cell set |
►Ctrue_type | |
Cvtkm::ReadTheSourceCodeHereForHelpOnThisError< true > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< Ts > | VTK-m replacement for std::tuple |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19 > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, Ts... > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple< T20, Ts... > | |
Cvtkm::Tuple<> | |
Cvtkm::tuple_element< Index, TupleType > | Compatible with std::tuple_element for vtkm::Tuple |
Cvtkm::exec::twolevelgrid::TwoLevelUniformGridExecutionObject< Device > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< TypeCheckTag, Type > | Class for checking that a type matches the semantics for an argument |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< TypeCheckTagArrayIn, ArrayType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< TypeCheckTagArrayInOut, ArrayType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< TypeCheckTagArrayOut, ArrayType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< TypeCheckTagAtomicArray, ArrayType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< TypeCheckTagAtomicArray, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagBasic > > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< TypeCheckTagCellSet, CellSetType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< TypeCheckTagCellSetStructured, CellSetType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< TypeCheckTagExecObject, Type > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck< vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagKeys, KeyType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagArrayIn | The Array type check passes for any object that behaves like an ArrayHandle class and can be passed to the ArrayIn transport |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagArrayInOut | The Array type check passes for any object that behaves like an ArrayHandle class and can be passed to the ArrayInOut transport |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagArrayOut | The Array type check passes for any object that behaves like an ArrayHandle class and can be passed to the ArrayOut transport |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagBitField | |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagCellSet | Check for a CellSet-like object |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagCellSetStructured | Check for a Structured CellSet-like object |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagExecObject | The ExecObject type check passes for any object that inherits from ExecutionObjectBase |
Cvtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagKeys | Check for a Keys object |
►Cvtkm::TypeTraits< T > | The TypeTraits class provides helpful compile-time information about the basic types used in VTKm (and a few others for convenience) |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< const T > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< bool > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< char > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< double > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< float > | Traits for basic C++ types |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< int > | |
►Cvtkm::TypeTraits< internal::FlattenVec< T > > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< vtkm::VecFlat< T > > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< long > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< long long > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< short > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< signed char > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< unsigned char > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< unsigned int > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< unsigned long > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< unsigned long long > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< unsigned short > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< vtkm::Matrix< T, NumRow, NumCol > > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< vtkm::Pair< T, U > > | Traits for Pair types |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< vtkm::Vec< T, Size > > | Traits for Vec types |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< vtkm::VecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates< NumDimensions > > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< vtkm::VecC< T > > | Traits for VecC types |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< vtkm::VecCConst< T > > | Traits for VecCConst types |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< vtkm::VecFromPortal< PortalType > > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< vtkm::VecFromPortalPermute< IndexVecType, PortalType > > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraits< vtkm::VecVariable< T, MaxSize > > | |
Cvtkm::TypeTraitsIntegerTag | Tag used to identify types that store integer numbers |
Cvtkm::TypeTraitsMatrixTag | Tag used to identify 2 dimensional types (matrices) |
Cvtkm::TypeTraitsRealTag | Tag used to identify types that store real (floating-point) numbers |
Cvtkm::TypeTraitsScalarTag | Tag used to identify 0 dimensional types (scalars) |
Cvtkm::TypeTraitsUnknownTag | Tag used to identify types that aren't Real, Integer, Scalar or Vector |
Cvtkm::TypeTraitsVectorTag | Tag used to identify 1 dimensional types (vectors) |
Cvtkm::cont::tbb::UniqueBody< PortalType, BinaryOperationType > | |
Cvtkm::cont::openmp::UniqueHelper< IterT, RawPredicateT > | |
►Cvtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle | An ArrayHandle of an unknown value type and storage |
Cvtkm::cont::UncertainArrayHandle< ValueTypeList, StorageTypeList > | An ArrayHandle of an uncertain value type and storage |
►Cvtkm::cont::UnknownCellSet | A CellSet of an unknown type |
Cvtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet< CellSetList > | A CellSet of an uncertain type |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::UnstructuredVolumeParameters | |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::UntructuredVolumeArrays | |
►CUseKokkosReduceP1 | |
Cvtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagKokkos >::UseKokkosReduce | |
Cvtkm::tmp::Variant< Ts > | |
►Cvtkm::Vec< T, Size > | A short fixed-length array |
Cvtkm::VecFlat< T, false > | |
►Cvtkm::Vec< ComponentTypeFromSize< BitDepth >::type, Channels > | |
►Cvtkm::io::BasePixel< BitDepth, 1 > | |
Cvtkm::io::GreyPixel< BitDepth > | |
►Cvtkm::io::BasePixel< BitDepth, 3 > | |
Cvtkm::io::RGBPixel< BitDepth > | |
Cvtkm::io::BasePixel< BitDepth, Channels > | Base type for more complex pixels (RGB, Greyscale, etc) that describes various values such as bit-depth, channel width, bytes per pixel, and how various data should be polled |
Cvtkm::Vec< CoordType, 3 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< CoordType, Dim > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< DimensionType, 3 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< ScalarType, Size > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< T, 0 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< T, MaxSize > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::Float32, 2 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::Float32, 3 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::Float32, 4 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::Float64, 3 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::FloatDefault, 3 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::Id, 2 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::Id, 3 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::Int32, 3 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::Plane, MaxSize > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::Range, 3 > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< vtkm::Vec< ComponentType, NUM_COLUMNS >, NUM_ROWS > | |
Cvtkm::VecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates< NumDimensions > | An implicit vector for point coordinates in axis aligned cells |
Cvtkm::detail::VecBaseCommon< T, DerivedClass > | Base implementation of all Vec and VecC classes |
►Cvtkm::detail::VecBaseCommon< T, Vec< T, 1 > > | |
►Cvtkm::detail::VecBase< T, 1, Vec< T, 1 > > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< T, 1 > | |
►Cvtkm::detail::VecBaseCommon< T, Vec< T, 2 > > | |
►Cvtkm::detail::VecBase< T, 2, Vec< T, 2 > > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< T, 2 > | |
►Cvtkm::detail::VecBaseCommon< T, Vec< T, 3 > > | |
►Cvtkm::detail::VecBase< T, 3, Vec< T, 3 > > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< T, 3 > | |
►Cvtkm::detail::VecBaseCommon< T, Vec< T, 4 > > | |
►Cvtkm::detail::VecBase< T, 4, Vec< T, 4 > > | |
Cvtkm::Vec< T, 4 > | |
Cvtkm::VecC< T > | A Vec-like representation for short arrays |
Cvtkm::VecCConst< T > | A const version of VecC |
Cvtkm::VecFlat< T, bool > | Treat a Vec or Vec -like object as a flat Vec |
Cvtkm::VecFromPortal< PortalType > | A short variable-length array from a window in an ArrayPortal |
Cvtkm::VecFromPortalPermute< IndexVecType, PortalType > | A short vector from an ArrayPortal and a vector of indices |
Cvtkm::VecFromPortalPermute< IndexVecType, const PortalType * > | |
►Cvtkm::VecTraits< T > | Traits that can be queried to treat any type as a Vec |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< const T & > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< const T > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< T & > | |
►Cvtkm::VecTraits< T * > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< const T * > | |
►Cvtkm::VecTraits< internal::FlattenVec< T > > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::VecFlat< T > > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::Bounds > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::Matrix< T, NumRow, NumCol > > | A matrix has vector traits to implement component-wise operations |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::Range > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::Vec< T, Size > > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::VecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates< NumDimensions > > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::VecC< T > > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::VecCConst< T > > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::VecFromPortal< PortalType > > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::VecFromPortalPermute< IndexVecType, PortalType > > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraits< vtkm::VecVariable< T, MaxSize > > | |
Cvtkm::VecTraitsTagMultipleComponents | A tag for vectors that are "true" vectors (i.e |
Cvtkm::VecTraitsTagSingleComponent | A tag for vectors that are really just scalars (i.e |
Cvtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeStatic | A tag for vectors where the number of components are known at compile time |
Cvtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeVariable | A tag for vectors where the number of components are not determined until run time |
Cvtkm::VecVariable< T, MaxSize > | A short variable-length array with maximum length |
Cvtkm::VecVariable< vtkm::Plane, MaxNumPlanes > | |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::TrianglesParameters::VertexData | |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::PointsParameters::VertexData | |
Cvtkm::interop::anari::GlyphsParameters::VertexData | |
►Cvtkm::rendering::View | The abstract class representing the view of a rendering scene |
Cvtkm::rendering::View1D | A view for a 1D data set |
Cvtkm::rendering::View2D | A view for a 3D data set |
Cvtkm::rendering::View3D | A view for a 3D data set |
►Cvtkm::io::VTKDataSetReaderBase | |
Cvtkm::io::VTKDataSetReader | Reads a legacy VTK file |
Cvtkm::io::VTKPolyDataReader | |
Cvtkm::io::VTKRectilinearGridReader | |
Cvtkm::io::VTKStructuredGridReader | |
Cvtkm::io::VTKStructuredPointsReader | |
Cvtkm::io::VTKUnstructuredGridReader | |
Cvtkm::io::VTKDataSetWriter | Reads a legacy VTK file |
Cvtkm_deprecated_WarpScalar_h_warning | |
Cvtkm_deprecated_WarpVector_h_warning | |
Cvtkm::filter::vtkm_filter_FilterField_h_deprecated | |
Cvtkm::io::VTKVisItFileReader | Reader for ".visit" files, a simple file format for partioned data sets |
►CWaveletDWT | |
Cvtkm::worklet::WaveletCompressor | |
Cvtkm::rendering::Wireframer | |
Cvtkm::rendering::WorldAnnotator | |